Category: Board Minutes
The Elkhorn Public Schools Board of Education meets on the second Monday of each month (unless otherwise scheduled). As the elected governing body of the school District, the Elkhorn Board of Education is the liaison between the community and professional educators. Your input is welcome as the board prepares strategic plans, writes educationally sound policies and plans for District growth. The board continually assesses community priorities and invites the residents of the District to write, call or appear before the Board. If you would like to be on the School Board agenda, call (402) 289-2579 by the Thursday prior to the meeting day, or write to: Superintendent, Elkhorn Public Schools, 20650 Glenn Street, Elkhorn, NE 68022. Also, there is a citizen comment time at the start of each regular monthly Board meeting. No advanced notice is necessary to address the Board at this time. The School Board meetings are held in the Board Room of the Administration Building, 20650 Glenn Street, beginning at 6:30 p.m.