Administrative Rules and Procedures to Implement Policy 502.05

Students will be placed by the principal, in consultation with staff members, the school counselor, the school psychologist, and parents or guardians, at the grade level and course of study to which the student is best suited academically, socially and emotionally.

Admission requirements:

1. Age Requirements

Minimum Age – A child shall be eligible for admission into kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if the child is five years of age or will be five years of age on or before July 31 of the calendar year in which the school year for which the child is seeking admission begins.

The District shall admit a child who will reach the age of five on or after August 1 and on or before October 15 of such school year under the Early Entrance Administrative Procedures (below).

Graduates – A student who has received a high school diploma or received a general equivalency diploma shall not be eligible for admission or continued enrollment.

Age 21 – A student shall not be admitted or continued in enrollment after the end of the school year in which the student reaches the age of 21.  The school year for this purpose ends at the last day of instruction for graduating seniors.

2. Birth Certificate [All Grades]

The parent or legal guardian of any child in preschool to grade 12 shall furnish a certified copy of the student’s birth certificate issued by the state in which the child was born, prior to admission of a child for the first time.  Other reliable proof of a child’s identity and age, accompanied by an affidavit explaining the inability to produce a copy of the birth certificate, may be used in lieu of a birth certificate.  An affidavit is defined as a notarized statement by an individual who can verify the reason a copy of the birth certificate cannot be produced.  The proof of identity and age must be given to the school within thirty days of enrollment.  If this requirement is not met, the matter shall be referred to the local law enforcement agency for investigation.

Leg. Ref. 79-214, 43-2007

3. Proof of Residence (See Policies 502.02, 502.03, 502.05, and 502.07) [All grades]

4. Immunization Record

Evidence of protection against measles, mumps, rubella, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, hepatitis B, chicken pox, and other diseases as required by applicable law will be required before admission will be allowed.  Requirements for immunization may be waived by 1) a written statement by parents or legal guardians for “sincerely held religious beliefs”, or 2) a statement signed by a licensed physician stating that immunizations are underway or that the immunizations would be injurious to the health of the student or any member of the student’s household.

Leg. Ref. 79-214, 79-217-223

5. Physical Examination

By a licensed physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner in previous six months [Required for all kindergartners and seventh graders; also mandatory for students in all grades who enroll from out of the state.]  The physical examination requirement may be waived if the parent or guardian objects in writing and the objection is on file at the school prior to enrollment.

6. Visual Examination

By a physician, a physician assistant, an advanced practice registered nurse, or an optometrist in previous six months.  [Required for all kindergarteners and seventh graders; also mandatory for students in all grades who enroll from out of state.]  The visual examination requirement may be waived if the parent objects in writing and the objection is on file at the school prior to enrollment.  The school shall make available contact information regarding free or reduced-cost visual evaluations for low-income families that qualify.

Leg. Ref. 79-214, 79-220

7. For Foster Children or Wards of the State or Court

Court documents and pertinent school records must be provided prior to admission.  All admissions are subject to the conditions that admission requirements other than residency be satisfied to the extent required by law and that the school district is legally responsible for or authorized to admit the child or provide educational services to the child.

The attached Application for Student Admission form shall be used to track the compliance with the above requirements for enrollment in the Elkhorn Public Schools, under Rule 19  (Persons in legal or actual charge or control of a child).

 8. Non Accredited or Home School Entrants

New students entering the District from non-accredited schools or home schools, or who have not attended accredited schools in the past semester, will be placed in grades and classes on the following basis:

Elementary  (Grades 1-5)
The appropriate level of placement for elementary students may be determined by but not limited to, consideration of the following information:

  • Chronological age.
  • Previous public or private accredited school performance.
  • Diagnostic test date.
  • Standardized achievement test data.
  • Other data that would allow for a demonstration of the student’s current level of performance.

Secondary  (Grades 6-12)
The appropriate level of placement for secondary students may be determined by, but not limited to, consideration of the following information:

  • Chronological age.
  • Previous public or private accredited school performance.
  • Diagnostic test data.
  • Standardized achievement test data.
  • Criterion referenced test data.
  • Final examination test data.
  • Other data that would allow for a demonstration of the student’s current level of performance.

Students will typically progress annually from grade to grade. A student may be retained at a grade level or be required to repeat a course or program when such is determined in the judgment of the Principal, in consultation with the student’s teachers and counselor, to be appropriate for the educational interests of the student and the school’s educational program. If a parent or guardian would like their student to retake a grade level, the parent or guardian must meet with the Superintendent or designee to discuss the student repeating a grade. At that meeting,
the parent or guardian must provide evidence of academic needs, illness, or excessive absenteeism that would warrant the student to repeat the grade. A student in kindergarten through fourth grade may be retained due to academic needs, illness, or excessive absenteeism. A student in fifth through twelfth grades may be retained due to excessive absenteeism. At such meeting, the Superintendent or designee shall identify any alternative educational opportunities, including remedial instruction, if applicable, and verify any special education supports available to such student. If the student’s parent or guardian still intends for their student to repeat a grade, such parent or guardian shall submit in writing to the superintendent. Upon written communication and if all requirements pursuant to this policy and law are met, the District shall permit the student to repeat the student’s grade for the next school year.

Graduation Credits
A student who enrolls in the District after attending a non-accredited or home school will be granted credits in core subject matter (English, mathematics, science, social science, and physical education) to the extent that the student can show evidence of mastery of the subject matter.  Elective credit will not be granted.  Mastery may be determined by the following assessment methods:

  • Completion of chapter tests and/or final exams.
  • Appropriate criterion referenced examination performance.
  • Diagnostic test data.
  • A plan leading to graduation will be developed that is approved by the building principal and the Superintendent.  The student must be enrolled in and complete at least two semesters at an Elkhorn Public Schools high school and all requirements of the graduation plan to receive an Elkhorn Public Schools high school diploma.
  • Pass/fail grades will be assigned to those courses in which students are granted credit when they begin attending an Elkhorn Public Schools high school.

9. Early Entrance Administration Procedures

Kindergarten To be eligible for enrollment in kindergarten, a child must have reached his or her fifth birthday on or before July 31 of the calendar year in which the school year for which the child is seeking admission begins. Any child who reaches the age of five on or after August 1 and on or before October 15 of such school year, shall be admitted to kindergarten provided that child’s parent or legal guardian requests admission under one of the following:

  1. The parent/guardian provides a written statement that the child attended kindergarten in another jurisdiction in the current school year or that the family anticipates a relocation to another school district where kindergarten admission will be allowed within the current school year.
  2. The child demonstrates superior intellectual functioning and that he or she is capable of carrying out the work of the kindergarten curriculum through appropriate assessment procedures and entrance guidelines established by the Superintendent.

Nebraska Statute 79-214, provides for districts to admit children as early entry kindergartners through confirmation by documentation of previous attendance in another jurisdiction kindergarten program, anticipated attendance through relocation to another jurisdiction where kindergarten admission will be allowed within the current school year, or a locally designed testing program. Students admitted for early kindergarten entrance should demonstrate advanced levels of comprehension, have an extensive speaking vocabulary and advanced listening/memory skills or numerical ability.  Students should also demonstrate a social competence commensurate with the expectations of the kindergarten curriculum.

Requirements — District/Parent/Guardian Responsibility

  1. It is the responsibility of the District to formulate and make known the policy and implementing procedures to the community within the options permitted by law.
  2. Initiate, Authorize Screening and Evaluation–It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to initiate with the superintendent/designee a request to have his/her child evaluated for early entrance to kindergarten under these procedures and provide all of the necessary support materials to the evaluators.

Administrative Procedures

Children must be five years of age by October 15 of the early entrance year for admittance into the Elkhorn Public Schools kindergarten program.  No exceptions will be made to the October 15 date.  Parents must apply for early entrance prior to May 25th of the spring before fall enrollment to allow summer assessment to be completed.  An exception to this deadline may be made for students who become District residents after the May 25th date and before the first day of school.

Upon application, a screening conference may be conducted with the parent(s), building principal, and kindergarten teacher to review the request for early entrance and discuss the District kindergarten curriculum and early entrance procedures.  Kindergarten roundup may fulfill this requirement.  It is the responsibility of school personnel to explain the nature and objectives of the assessments to the parents/guardians.  Parents must furnish the child’s birth certificate at the time of the conference and will be requested to complete child screening information. Additionally, the parent/guardian is responsible for payment of $100 application fee for early entrance evaluation to be collected at the time of evaluation. Parents may request a waiver of this fee, based upon economic hardship.

After receiving parental/guardian written permission, an early entrance evaluation will be scheduled and conducted by an Elkhorn Public Schools psychologist. The evaluation shall include the administration of an individual intelligence test that assesses the areas of vocabulary, visual-spatial, fluid reasoning, memory, and processing speed skills to obtain a full-scale cognitive ability score. The child’s full-scale score must be at or above the 96th percentile (IQ=126) to qualify for early entrance.

Results/Determination will be mailed within five business days to parents. If the child is eligible for early entrance, the parent has the final decision to register the child for full-day kindergarten. There is no provision in this policy and administrative procedures for a reevaluation, retest, or appeal of the determination.

10. Homebound and Hospital Services

The Elkhorn Public Schools will provide educational services for students who cannot attend school because of illness or injury. Homebound instruction shall mean educational instruction provided to a student online via approved District technology resources, in his/her home within District boundaries or in a local hospital to which a student has been admitted for care of the illness, injury, or documented medical condition.

General Definition

The use of homebound and hospital services shall be initiated for students who require more than ten (10) days of instruction at home or in a hospital environment or who require periodic homebound instruction because of a chronic health condition. Homebound instruction shall only be provided when the student’s illness, injury, or documented medical condition is such that the student can benefit from instruction and no other provision will meet the student’s educational needs.

Provision of Homebound Instruction

  1. Homebound instruction shall be provided only when no other options are available to meet the student’s educational needs.
  2. The frequency and duration of homebound instruction shall be such instruction as is necessary for the student to progress in the core subject area classes that he/she is unable to attend. OR Teachers shall provide individual instruction that closely approximates the student’s regular classes.
    1. Core classes are defined as reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies
  3. Timeline: Homebound services will start within five (5) school days of receipt of a district approved Home/Hospital Bound Medical Documentation Form.
    1. The student must require more than ten (10) days of instruction at home or in a hospital for these procedures to be enacted or have a chronic health condition and require periodic homebound instruction.
    2. All situations will be assessed and determinations made based upon individual circumstances.
  4. Before initiating services, school personnel shall ensure that parents can prepare a quiet, comfortable area for instruction and that a responsible adult plans to be present when the homebound teacher is in the home.
    1. Hospital personnel shall serve as secondary caregivers in the event that instruction is provided in such an environment. To ensure continuity in lesson planning and presentation, the homebound/hospital teacher(s) shall communicate at least weekly with the regular classroom teacher(s).
  5. The student may be required to present a physician’s statement upon returning to school if the illness/injury requires continued monitoring by school personnel. The Executive Director of Student Services shall be informed upon a student’s return to school.
    1. If the student is receiving special education and related services, a meeting may be conducted to review the student’s IEP to assess any potential changes in the instructional program.


  1. The principal or IEP coordinator initiates a request for homebound or hospital services by contacting the Executive Director of Student Services.
    1. As part of the request, the principal/designee shall assess the need for instruction by subject area and the approximate instructional time required.
    2. The principal/designee is responsible for informing the parent(s) of the district’s procedures, need for a physician’s statement of the illness/injury and ten (10) day home/hospital requirement.
  2. Unless restricted through a physician’s order, the district shall provide weekly individually designed instruction to meet the student’s assessed needs.
    1. The initiation of instruction usually will begin within five (5) days after the receipt of the physician’s statement of need.
    2. The instructional hours may be reduced or extended if unusual circumstances exist. e.g. middle level and senior high school programs may require additional direct instructional time, communication, and coordination time among multiple staff members in order to provide appropriate services. In all circumstances, the time necessary to instruct the student will be individually determined and based upon the assessed student need.
  3. After receiving approval from the Executive Director of Student Services, the principal/designee will arrange for a homebound instructor(s) to establish an instructional schedule.
    1. Whenever such services are arranged, a staffing/telephone conference shall be conducted among all parties before placing a student in such services. The staffing team should include the homebound/hospital teacher(s), classroom teacher(s), parent(s), principal/designee and the Executive Director of Student Services, if necessary.
    2. The hourly rate of pay established for instructors typically includes travel. Travel time should be recorded as coordination from the school of the instructor to the student’s home or hospital. (See Homebound/Hospital Instruction Time Record/Appendix)
    3. Until services are approved, the general education teaching staff shall provide the student with assignments and evaluate all completed work.
  4. Periodically, school personnel are contacted by area mental health agencies for students who become hospitalized for an evaluation or because of a crisis in the family. These students may be referred for hospital services by following the above-referenced procedures.
    1. If parents request the school district to provide financial support for educational services, the special education referral process should be initiated. A student assistance team (SAT) shall be formed to review the need for educationally related services.
    2. The team shall follow all district procedures if the need to refer for a multidisciplinary team (MDT) evaluation is recommended by the SAT. If after a MDT evaluation the student is verified as a student with a disability, and the hospital program is found to be the least restrictive environment, the school district may contract for services with the agency or provide instruction through district staff. If the student is not verified as possessing an educationally related disability, the school district shall not assume financial responsibility for the educational services by contracting with the hospital or agency for special education program services.

11. Placement
New students entering the District from schools recognized and accredited by a state department of education will be placed in the grade level and/or courses indicated on the basis of their prior performance, grade placement, recommendations, and credits earned in their former school district.

The grade point average will not consider pass/fail credits.  A minimum of four semesters of attendance at Elkhorn Public Schools high school will be required for a student to be considered for academic honors.

12. Enrollment of Expelled Students

It shall be the policy of the district to not enroll any student who has been expelled from any public school in any school district in any state, or from a private, denominational, or parochial school in any state until the Board of Education, by a majority vote, votes to approve the enrollment of such student.  Nothing in this policy shall require the Board to take such a vote on any application for enrollment by any such student.

Nothing in this policy shall require the Board to take such a vote on any application for enrollment by any such student. Nothing in this policy, however, shall be construed to prohibit the Board from receiving the student conditioned upon the student being required to attend the District’s alternative school, class or educational program pursuant to Section 79-266 until the terms of the expulsion are completed.  No student who may have been expelled from a private, denominational, or parochial school, or from a school in another state, shall be prohibited from enrolling in the district if such student resides in this district or has been received under an option or open enrollment to this district, once the time limits placed on the expulsion has run, pursuant to the Student Discipline Act, or for any expulsion for an offense for which expulsion is not authorized for a public school student under the Act.

13. Military Families – If a parent presents evidence to the District of military orders that military family will be stationed in the State of Nebraska during the current or following school year, the District will preliminarily enroll the student.

Legal Reference:
Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 43-2001 to 43-2012
Neb. Rev. Stat. § 79-214
Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 79-217 to 79-223
Neb. Rev. Stat. § 79-266.01
173 NAC Chapters 3 and 4 (HHS Regulations)

Approved:  September 17, 1996
Revised:  June 12, 2000
Revised:  November 12, 2001
Revised:  June 14, 2004
Revised:  January 9, 2006
Revised:  April 10, 2006
Revised: November 8, 2010
Revised:  November 11, 2013
Revised: March 25, 2016
Revised: September 9, 2019
Revised: September 14, 2021
Revised: September 12, 2022
Revised: August 12, 2024