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Construction Updates!

During the January 2017 Board of Education meeting, Superintendent Steve Baker announced the name of the eleventh elementary school building, the newest addition to the EPS District, as Elkhorn Blue Sage Elementary.

Construction progress continues at Blue Sage, where site grading has officially begun, reports Ryan Lindquist, Director of Business Support Services.  As the weather permits, Prairie Construction, the general contractor for the project, will also begin pouring footings.  Prairie Construction, a local company, has been involved in the building of many District projects, including: West Dodge Station Elementary, Sagewood Elementary, Grandview Middle School, Arbor View Elementary, gym addition at Elkhorn MS, classroom remodel at Elkhorn HS and, most recently, the Teacher Training Conference Center remodel.

Blue Sage Elementary, the last of the projects to be completed from the $63.1 million bond passed by voters in 2014, is set to open in the fall of 2018, and will primarily serve the area surrounding the school near 216th and F streets, where more than 1,100 residential lots have been approved.


For additional information on Blue Sage Elementary, read “Elkhorn Elementary #11“.