EPS Transitions to New Online Payment System
To better serve our families, EPS has partnered with SchoolPay to implement a new online payment system. At this time, this system will be used for the following items: Loading lunch balances Paying activities fees and purchasing athletics passes Purchasing...
2021-2022 Supply Lists
2021-2022 Elementary Supply Lists 2021-2022 Middle School Supply List
Kindergarten 101 Program Information
Elkhorn Public Schools (EPS) is pleased to offer Kindergarten 101 as a jump-start for qualifying students entering kindergarten in August 2021. The three-week program is primarily designed to serve children who have limited preschool experience or who demonstrate a...
Mental Health Resource Reminders
Elkhorn Public Schools understands the importance of prioritizing mental health for our students. In an effort to raise awareness of available mental health resources and create avenues for parents to open or continue a dialogue with their child, EPS has provided the...
Registration Now Open for 2021-2022 Kindergarten Students
Registration for students entering kindergarten for the 2021-2022 school year is now open. To complete the registration, please click here and use the 2021-2022 School Year Online Enrollment. By completing the online registration, parents/guardians will be added to...
Parent Pay Preschool Applications Now Being Accepted
The Elkhorn Public Schools preschool program is currently accepting applications for a limited number of parent pay placements for the 2021-2022 school year. Prospective students must live within the Elkhorn Public Schools district boundaries and must be three (3)...
2019-2020 Annual Report
A Message from Dr. Habrock To our community, Since the start of the pandemic, the adaptability of our educational system has been tested and all involved have been asked to teach and learn in new ways. The interdependence between school and home has been magnified...
Students in Ms. Lewis’ second grade class at Arbor View elementary recently discovered just how important having a solid object is as they worked in teams to see who could build the tallest tower. The building contest was held as part of a science lesson surrounding...
Upcoming Thanksgiving and Winter Break Schedules
All EPS buildings will observe a Thanksgiving and Winter Break schedule to include the following no-school days and remote learning weeks: Wednesday, November 25, 2020: No School, Teacher In-Service Thursday, November 26 – Friday, November 27, 2020: No School Monday,...
Students-turned-Entomologists Take Over EPS 2nd Grade Classrooms
Second graders across the district were simply crawling with excitement as they changed their status from student to entomologists as part of their recent science studies focused on mealworms. Students take this experiment very seriously as they spend time predicting,...