Administrative Rules And Procedures to Implement Policy 1005.06
Visits to the Schools and Conduct on District Property
Expected Level of Behavior
- District employees will treat parents, members of the public, and other district employees with courtesy and respect.
- Parents and other visitors to district schools, facilities, and activities will treat students, district employees, and other parents, and other visitors with courtesy and will at all times avoid the unacceptable/disruptive behaviors listed below.
Unacceptable/Disruptive Behavior – Any parent or other visitor who engages in any of the unacceptable or disruptive behaviors below may be directed to leave district property by a principal, principal’s designee, or district level administrator. If the parent or visitor refuses to leave the premises as directed, the administrator or other authorized personnel shall call the school resource officer or 911 for law enforcement assistance.
Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to, behavior that interferes with or threatens to interfere with the operation of a classroom, a district employee’s duties, the functions of a school facility, district activities or substantially interferes with the educational process.
- Using loud and/or offensive language, swearing, cursing, using profane language, or the display of anger.
- Threatening to do bodily or physical harm to students, District employees or other visitors or intimidating the same on district property whether or not the behavior constitutes or may constitute a criminal violation
- Damaging or destroying district property.
- Coming onto district property without authorization.
- Refusing to follow district safety instructions.
- Defaming district employees.
- Using abusive, threatening, obscene, harassing and repetitive telephone calls, e-mail or voice mail messages.
- Any other behavior that disrupts the orderly operation of a school, a school classroom, or any district facility or activity.
Visits to the Schools
To avoid interference with the educational functions and responsibilities of the district and to insure the safety of students and staff members, all visitors to the schools shall comply with the following guidelines:
- All visitors shall report to the Principal’s Office immediately upon entering the building.
- All visitors shall comply with expected behaviors at all times.
- Anyone who is in the district’s buildings without checking in with the Principal’s office or without proper authorization or who is exhibiting any of the unacceptable or disruptive behaviors will be asked to leave immediately.
- No solicitors will be allowed to contact teachers or students during the school day unless it is a part of an approved school program.
- No visitors, other than parent/legal guardians, will be allowed unless approved by the Principal at least one day in advance.
Access to Students – Parent or Legal Guardian
Unless restricted by law or court order, parents or legal guardians may have access to their sons and/or daughters, or wards, at anytime during the school day subject to the above guidelines and rules.
Access to Students – Other Adults
Other adults may be granted access to students with prior approval of the Principal or designee for specific educational purposes and only under the following conditions:
- Guest Speakers, Presenters at Student Assemblies, College and Military Recruiters – may be invited into the school district at times and locations as specified by the Principal or designee.
- Mentors or Tutors – under a district approved program an outside adult may be assigned to work with a particular student or students who requires educational assistance such as tutoring in a particular educational skill, or assistance in improving their achievement level, in accordance with district policy and applicable law. Mentor or tutor activities may take place before or after school or during the school day as directed by the district. Mentors or tutors will be assigned by the Principal or designee and the participation of a student must be approved in writing by the parent or legal guardian of the student involved. Mentors or tutors will be scheduled and assigned (time, place, name and number of students) by the Principal or designee. The educational matters that are the subject of the mentoring or tutoring activities will be provided and approved by the district.
Revised: April 9, 2001
Revised: January 9, 2006
Revised: September 11, 2006
Revised: November 12, 2012