Policy 1006.06

Smoke-Free Environment

The Elkhorn Public Schools supports the current medical research that smoking and secondary smoke are hazardous to a person’s health.  Since a primary concern of the District is the health of the students and employees, a smoke free environment will be administered within the District.

All District-owned school buildings, facilities, surrounding grounds and vehicles will be designated as smoke, tobacco, and nicotine free.  The use of any form of tobacco, nicotine or vapor products such as e-cigarettes will be prohibited.

Appropriate signs will be placed at the entrances to all buildings and facilities advising all persons that smoking or the use of tobacco, nicotine, vapor products in any form is prohibited.  It shall be the responsibility of the administration to enforce this policy.

Employee violations of this policy could lead to disciplinary action.

Legal Reference: RRS 28-1020


Adopted: August 12, 1996
Revised: September 11, 2006
Revised: June 2, 2014