Policy 1007.01
Relations With State Accredited Private Schools
The Board supports a cooperative and harmonious relationship with state accredited private school personnel serving students who reside within the District. To this end the Board authorizes that certain services be provided resident students attending state accredited private schools within the requirements of state and federal law and District resources.
Services made available to resident students attending state accredited private schools may include:
1. Textbook loan program to the extent this program is funded by the state (Policy 1007.03).
2. Transportation as required by state law.
3. Access to public school non core curriculum classes when space is available.
4. Special education services as required by federal law and NDE Rule 51.
5. Title I services as required by federal and state law.
Approved: November 15, 1993
Revised: March 14, 1994
Revised: December 11, 1995
Revised: September 11, 2006