Policy 203.06
Board Standing Committees
Board standing committees are created for specific tasks of seeking information, discussion and/or investigation. Committees will report findings and recommendations to the board for its consideration and action.
The board president will appoint up to three (3) members to each of the standing committees. Each standing committee will have a chairperson appointed by the board president. The following standing committees are appointed at the annual board organizational meeting for one year:
1. American Civics & Curriculum Committee – Whose duties shall be those prescribed by state law and to make recommendations regarding curriculum and staffing to the board.
2. Building & Grounds Committee – Whose duties shall be to give advice on school facilities and grounds and to make recommendations to the board on matters pertaining to the acquisition of school sites, improvements of school facilities or the construction of new school facilities.
3. Board Policy Committee – Whose duties shall be to periodically review existing policies, formulate new policies or rules and make appropriate policy or rule recommendations to the board.
4. Negotiations Committee – Whose duties shall be to annually meet and confer regarding contractual agreements with individuals representing a majority of members of an employee association or any other staff groups as directed by the Board president and make recommendations to the Board regarding salaries, wages, benefits and said agreements.
5. Legislative Committee – Whose duties shall be to act as liaison between the board and the Nebraska State Legislature.
6. Finance/Insurance Committee – Whose duties shall be to periodically review the financial status and procedures of the district including district insurance policies, district interlocal agreements, and the school lunch management contract, and make appropriate recommendations to the board concerning these areas.
Legal Reference:
Neb. Statutes 79-724
Cross References:
201.01 Board Powers and Responsibilities
203.01 Board Organizational Meeting
Approved: February 10, 1992
Revised: February 12, 1996
Revised: February 14, 2005
Revised: September 9, 2019