Policy 300.01

Role of Administration

The administration of the district is responsible for the direction, coordination and supervision of students and staff in their efforts to reach educational goals of the board within the guidelines established by Board policy, state and federal law and employee agreements.

It shall be the responsibility of the administrators to implement and enforce the policies of the board, to oversee employees, to monitor educational issues confronting the school district and to inform the board about school district operations and needs. Administrators are to demonstrate leadership for student learning and to strive to resolve the inevitable problems and obstacles that will arise both inside the district and in its relations with the greater community.

While the board holds the superintendent ultimately responsible for these duties, the principals are more directly responsible for student learning results, for the management of school facilities and for the supervision of employees. The board expects the superintendent, district administrators and building level administrators to work together to share information and make decisions under the team concept.

Approved: April 13, 1992
Revised: March 12, 1996
Revised: March 14, 2005