Policy 507.09
Student Safety
It is the mission of the District to provide a safe, secure, drug-free and welcoming environment for all students, staff and community members. The Board of Education shall appoint annually a School Safety and Security Committee which shall include representatives of faculty, parents and the community; said committee will meet at least annually to prepare and/or review safety and security plans and procedures, including emergency plans and procedures. Upon the recommendations of the School Safety and Security Committee, the Board of Education shall adopt and the administration shall implement school system safety and security plans designed to maintain safe, healthful, and sanitary conditions within the school buildings of the school district, and on school grounds meeting applicable fire, safety and health codes, and supportive of quality learning environments. Such school safety and health plans may include, but not be limited to, emergency procedures, school security measures, use of surveillance cameras, searches and seizures, staff training and student educational programs.
Approved: September 14, 1992
Revised: September 12, 1996
Revised: October 11, 1999
Revised: August 14, 2000
Revised: April 10, 2006