Policy 605.04
English Learners
The Board believes that a primary goal of the district is to have each child become proficient in the use of the English language. In compliance with federal requirements and Nebraska Department of Education Rule 15, the board directs the administration to develop and implement procedures which:
• Appropriately identify and evaluate students with limited English proficiency (LEP).
• Determine the appropriate language instruction Educational Program for English Learners
• Monitor progress of English Learners using required district, state, and national assessments to determine academic progress and language proficiency
Legal Reference:
Every Student Succeeds Act (2015; 114th Congress S. 1177)
Cross Reference:
103 Equal Educational Opportunity
601 General Philosophy and Objectives
Approved: December 9, 1996
Revised: August 14, 2006
Revised: September 9, 2019