Administrative Rules and Procedures to Implement Policy 606.01
Instructional Materials Selection
Instructional materials selection shall be a cooperative, continuing process in which administrators, teachers, media specialists and students shall participate. Materials selected for use in the Board approved curriculum should present subject matter in the most effective manner consistent with the school district’s philosophy of education. Basic factors influencing selection shall be curriculum, reading interests, maturity and background of student users, and the quality and overall appropriateness of available material.
The following guidelines and principles will be adhered to in the selection process used for all curricular materials:
1. Relation to the Curriculum – materials should be selected for their contribution to the implementation of the school’s curriculum.
2. Relation to Existing Collection – the materials should make a contribution to the balance of the curricular materials for which they are selected.
3. Interest and Appeal – the content and style of the materials should appeal to the interests of those who use them.
4. Accuracy and Authenticity – the content of materials should be valid, reliable, and complete.
5. Authority – consideration should be given to the qualifications, reputation, and significance of those responsible for creating the material.
6. Comprehension – material should be presented in a well organized fashion and readability and comprehension levels should correspond to grade level where it will be used.
7. Cultural Pluralism – materials should depict in an accurate and unbiased way the cultural diversity and pluralistic nature of American society. Respect for and awareness of the contributions of various groups should be fostered.
8. Whole vs. Part – each item should be approached from a broad perspective, looking at the work as a whole and judging controversial elements in context rather than as isolated parts. For example, materials containing some profanity, sexual terminology or violence should be judged on universal merit and/or realistic treatment of life and not automatically disqualified for vulgar or offensive references.
9. Recency – as mandated by federal and state law, copyrighted material should be purchased within prescribed parameters. (Public Law 96-517, NRS 79-214)
10. Quality of Writing – material should be acceptable mechanically and artistically with each element combining to form an aesthetically pleasing whole. Material should stimulate growth in factual knowledge or literary appreciation.
11. Technical and Physical Qualities – materials considered should be attractive, durable, appropriate size, suitably illustrated, and of high quality to be considered for adoption.
12. Cost – a competitive and appropriate cost within the parameters of the school district budget should be sought.
13. Treatment of Controversial Issues – materials on controversial issues should be selected to represent the fullest possible range of contrasting points of view, to provide all sides of an issue.
14. Treatment of Religion – materials about religion should be chosen to explain, not to indoctrinate.
15. Treatment of Human Development – materials on human physiology, physical maturation, or personal hygiene should be accurate and objectively presented.
16. Treatment of Biased Materials – materials which unfairly, inaccurately, or viciously treat a particular race, sex, ethnic group, age group, religion, etc., shall not be used unless there exists a legitimate educational purpose…such as analysis, observation, historical development or interpretation – for the use of such materials.
17. Maturity Level of Students – materials should be appropriate to the age, development and maturity level of students.
Supplemental Instructional Materials Selection and Use
Selection of supplemental instructional materials shall comply at all times with the guidelines of Policy 606.01. In no event shall age inappropriate material be provided to or shown to students. Additionally, prior to the use of controversial supplemental instructional material (such as the use of an R-rated video/movie in an elective junior or senior class), the teacher shall secure the approval of the building principal who shall review both the material and a written proposal from the teacher who has selected the materials. The written proposal shall address:
1. How the controversial material is appropriate to attain the curriculum objectives of the course of study prescribed for the class in which it is being used.
2. The clock hours of classroom time needed to use the controversial materials.
3. The appropriateness of the controversial material to the ages of the students in the class.
If approved by the building principal, the teacher must notify parents/legal guardians in writing of the use of the potentially controversial instructional material each time the materials are to be used.
This written notice shall be provided to parents/legal guardians not less than 14 calendar days prior to the proposed use of the materials and shall include the following: 1) A statement of the materials to be used and an explanation of the applicability of the materials to the curriculum; 2) Parents/legal guardians shall be given a choice of an educationally equivalent alternative assignment or alternative materials that could be used by students; 3) A date/time for parents/guardians to have the opportunity to inspect the materials before the use of the materials; and 4) Positive, written, parent/legal guardian permission for the student to be presented the potentially controversial instructional materials.
In addition to the above procedures, potentially controversial materials that are used in the classroom may be considered for addition to the relevant district curriculum guide subject to the formal review of the Board when this curriculum area is up for readoption. Any such materials shall not be presented to any student without positive written parental/guardian permission.
Classrooms should be free from distractions (such as inappropriate or unprofessional posters or other displays) and other apparatus that may cause student health problems. Teachers who are uncertain as to whether their classroom meets this requirement are encouraged to consult with their building principal in a proactive manner. In addition, the District will only permit the Gall-Peters projection map (or a similar cylindrical equal-area projection map) or the AuthaGraph projection map for display or use in the classroom.
Approved: November 10, 1996
Revised: December 9, 1996
Revised: March 10, 1997
Revised: August 14, 2006
Revised: AUgust 12, 2024