Administrative Rules and Procedures to Implement Policy 611.03
High School Level Make-up Work
Make Up Work for Excused (unplanned or preplanned) Activities Absences:
1. There is not always an equivalent way to duplicate the lectures, films, lab work and class interaction, among other things missed when a student is absent. These activities are vitally important and teachers may create, assign and grade activities for students that will compensate (as much as possible) for the material missed when the student was not in attendance.
2. Students are allowed to make up and receive full credit for all work missed during an excused absence. Tests and assignments announced prior to a student absence will be taken on, or will, at the teacher’s discretion, to be done the day the student returns to school.
(a) In the case of unplanned absence such as illness, the student will be given the number of days he/she has been absent plus one day to complete missing work.
(b) In the case of preplanned absences (such as appointments, personal family plans, field trips, college visits, attendance at district and state activities, etc.) the student will make arrangements prior to the absence with his/her teachers. Teachers will establish deadlines and guidelines for work completion. Teachers have the latitude and are encouraged to have students make up their work prior to leaving whenever possible. When students will be gone for two or more days, they are required to obtain from the office, complete with each teacher, and submit to the office, a pre-release form which formally describes the deadlines and guidelines for work completion. Students who fail to make arrangements with their teachers prior to leaving could earn reduced credit and/or zeros for the missed work.
3. Assignments will be collected by the office to be sent home for students absent three days or more (when request is made by the student or parent/guardian). Students absent less than three days will be responsible for getting their own assignments upon their return to school.
Make Up Work for Unexcused Absences:
1. There is not always an equivalent way to duplicate the lectures, films, lab work and class interaction, among other things, which is missed when a student is absent. These activities are vitally important and teachers may create, assign and grade activities for students that will compensate (as much as possible) for the material missed when the student was not in attendance.
2. A student who is truant/unexcused will be given the opportunity to complete classwork and examinations missed for 75% of the grade earned during the period of truancy.
3. All absences that are truant/unexcused will result in detentions being assigned, in-school suspension, or other interventions depending on the length of time missed and the frequency of the problem.
Middle Level (Grades 6-8) Make-up Work
As students progress through the middle school, their academic requirements will increase and the level of difficulty of the class work will increase. In order to provide a better understanding of the classroom work, it will become necessary to assign work to be completed outside of the classroom.
Students will usually have time during the day in which they can begin their homework assignments. Planning and using their study time at school and at home will greatly reduce the amount of time spent working on assignments at home. It will be the student’s responsibility initially to meet with the teachers when extra help is needed.
Parents are encouraged to consider other factors that influence homework completion. These factors include: activities outside of school (music lessons, athletics, clubs, classes, etc.); the thoroughness with which a student typically completes his or her work; and the time set aside for personal time and for school time (planning). A balance must be met so that the student is not overcome by either homework assignments or too many outside activities.
Middle school-age students benefit from involvement in activities, but a very high priority must also be placed on academic needs. Teachers will require assignments as necessary, but will keep in mind the balance that is needed by students to provide for their middle school experience. Parents should contact teachers directly to voice questions or concerns about homework assignments.
Teachers will set time aside after school for students to complete missing or incomplete assignments. Parents will be notified of this time so students can benefit from their extra help.
Assignments Sent Home:
Assignments can be requested on the second day of an extended illness. The following stipulations will be followed:
1. Parents must request assignments by 8:30 A.M. in order for assignments to be sent home on a given day.
2. Students who have been excessively absent will not receive assignments unless a doctor’s verification of the full absence(s) is provided. This verification must indicate that the doctor is recommending that the student be at home. Verification of an office visit, a prescription, or a diagnosis of the illness is not sufficient.
Approved: December 9, 1996
Revised: August 14, 2006