EPS High Schools Named Top 3 in Nebraska by US News & World Report
In recently released rankings of the top high schools in the state, US News & World Report named Elkhorn Public Schools high schools as the top 3 high schools in Nebraska based on data collected in the categories of college readiness, state assessment proficiency...
2023-2024 3rd Quarter Honor Roll
The following students have been recognized as having earned placement on the Honor Roll for the 3rd quarter of the 2023-24 school year: Grade Last First 9 Abraham Aashna 9 Acker Colin 9 Agbekponou Craidon 9 Anderson Zackary 9 Balahawal Moosa Bin Abubaker 9 Bebermeyer...
Inaugural EPS Career Exploration Fair Planned
The inaugural EPS Career Exploration Fair, open to all EPS middle school and high school students, is scheduled for Wednesday, March 27, 2024, from 5:00 - 8:00 PM at Elkhorn South High School. Join EPS as we partner with over 100 local organizations to give students...
EPS to Host “Parenting and Guiding the Smartphone Generation”
In alignment with newly adopted Strategic Plans goals, and a focus on the mental health and overall well-being of students and staff, EPS will host Dr. Jean Twenge, Professor of Psychology at San Diego State University, as she presents “Parenting and Guiding the...
2023-24 2nd Quarter Honor Roll
The following students have been recognized as having earned placement on the Honor Roll for the 2nd quarter of the 2023-24 school year: Last First Grade Acker Colin 9 Bratt Addison 9 Buck Jacob 9 Carbullido Carter 9 Carney Jace 9 Cemer Olivia 9 Coe Hailey 9...
EPS Earns Place on 2023 AP Honor Roll
As part of the recently released 2023 AP Honor Roll, all three Elkhorn Public Schools high schools are among those being recognized as having built a culture of academic success while broadening access to AP courses for all students. This honor is a direct reflection...
Elkhorn Voters Display Support for Education, Approve $122.9M Bond Issue
In a direct display of their support for education, Elkhorn voters approved a $122.9 million bond measure on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, with 63% of voters in favor of the measure. One of the greatest strengths of the Elkhorn Public Schools (EPS) is the partnership...
2023-24 1st Quarter Honor Roll
The following students have been recognized as having earned placement on the Honor Roll for the 1st quarter of the 2023-24 school year: Grade Last First 9 Acker Colin 9 Bratt Addison 9 Buck Jacob 9 Carney Jace 9 Cemer Olivia 9 Coe Hailey 9 Coler Camry 9...
Upcoming Thanksgiving and Winter Break Schedules
All EPS buildings will observe a Thanksgiving and Winter Break schedule to include the following no-school days: Wednesday, November 22 – Friday, November 24, 2023: No School Thursday, December 21, 2023 – Monday, January 1, 2024: No School Tuesday, January 2, 2024:...
EPS to Host “Effects of Social Media on Student Mental Health”, an Educational Panel for Parents
In an effort to assist parents in understanding the impact of social media use on student mental health, Elkhorn Public Schools is offering two opportunities for parent engagement and education. On Wednesday, October 18, 2023, at 6:30 PM at Elkhorn South High School, ...
Parent/Teacher Conferences to be Held September 26-27
Parent/Teacher Conferences for all EPS buildings will be held on Tuesday, September 26 and Wednesday, September 27. Time frames by grade level are listed below. For building-specific information, please refer to your building principal’s most recent newsletter....
2023-2024 Fall Athletics Teams
Good luck to all student-athletes and coaches participating in the fall 2023 athletics season! To view scheduled games and contests, please visit https://www.easternmidconference.org/public/genie/428/school/3510/. [gallery...