EPS Transitions to New Online Payment System

To better serve our families, EPS has partnered with SchoolPay to implement a new online payment system.  At this time, this system will be used for the following items:

  1. Loading lunch balances
  2. Paying activities fees and purchasing athletics passes
  3. Purchasing Chromebook device coverage
  4. Paying individual school-based fines
  5. Paying Preschool tuition


To utilize the system, parents will need to create a new user account by following the below instructions:

  1. Go to www.schoolpay.com
  2. Click the green “Create an Account” button 
  3. Enter your “Payer” Information
  4. Choose “Elkhorn Public Schools”, then choose your student’s assigned school* and enter his/her Student ID number and Last Name.
    *If you have multiple students, choose one student to enroll first and complete the School Name, Student ID, and Last Name for that student.  Upon account creation, you will have the option to add additional students.
  5. You will receive an email to set your password.  Click the Login link within the email, set a new password, then log in to make purchases or add additional students as needed.
    * To add additional students to your account, follow the instructions at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0ireLb_ht8 

A Student ID number is required for account creation.  If you do not know your student’s ID number, ask your student what his/her lunch number is or it can be found by logging into your Parent PowerSchool account.  If you are still unable to locate the Student ID number, please contact your school building after July 27th.

Please note if a student’s previous lunch account held unused funds, those funds have been transferred to the new accounts.  If you believe you had unused funds in your previous account but do not immediately see them, please contact Susan Desler at 402-289-0443 or email lunch@epsne.org.  Additionally, if you paid activities fees for the upcoming school year before the deactivation of the former payment system, you will not see that transaction in the new system.  If you need to confirm a previous payment of the activities fee, please contact your building’s Activities Secretary after July 27th.

If you have any questions regarding your new account or the process for creating it, please contact School Pay Support at 888.886.9729 or support@schoolpay.com

2021-2022 Back to School Information

New Student Registration

Registration for students who did not attend an EPS school during the 2020-21 school year is currently open at http://www.elkhornweb.org/parents/new-students/.  Upon completion of the online registration process, families should contact their assigned school to schedule an appointment for New Student registration, planned for Tuesday, August 3 and Wednesday, August 4, 2021.


EPS staff members who schedule appointments will return to their buildings on July 28.  If you call prior to that date, please leave a message, and they will return your call upon their return.


Returning Students Registration

Online registration will open for returning students on August 2.  Additional information and a link to register will be provided via email on August 2.


Athletics Registration

Athletics registration for the 2021-22 school year is now open at https://elkhornps-ar.rschooltoday.com/.  Please note that we are currently in the process of transitioning our payment portal to better serve families. Therefore, payments cannot be collected at this time.  Please check back after July 19 to purchase activity passes or pay activities fees.


Additionally, all students who plan to participate in sports will need a sports physical. Please contact your health care provider to arrange for your child to get a Sports Physical for next year.  Please note that Sports Physicals must be dated after May 1, 2021.


Open House

Open house for all EPS high schools is scheduled for Thursday, August 5, from 12:00-6:00.  At this time, back to school registration can be completed and students will take school photos. 


First Day of School

The first day of school for students will be Tuesday, August 17.  Freshmen will attend from 8:10 – 11:24, and all upperclassmen will attend from 12:30 – 3:20.  Regularly-scheduled, full day classes will start on Wednesday, August 18.

Mental Health Resource Reminders

Elkhorn Public Schools understands the importance of prioritizing mental health for our students.  In an effort to raise awareness of available mental health resources and create avenues for parents to open or continue a dialogue with their child, EPS has provided the following list of resources for parents.

Helplines and Websites

  1. Safe2Help

  2. Boys Town Hotline
    1-800-448-3000 or text VOICE to 20121

  3. Nebraska Family Helpline

  4. The Trevor Project

  5. 211: Get Connected. Get Help.

Community Organizations

  1. More Tomorrows by the Kim Foundation: https://moretomorrowsne.org/
    Suicide Hotline: 800-273-8255

  2. Arbor Family Counseling: https://www.arborfamilycounseling.com/
    EPS partners with Arbor Family to provide a limited number of free counseling sessions to our students and staff members.
    Contact: 402-330-0960

  3. Grief’s Journey: https://griefsjourney.org/
    Contact: 402-502-2773

  4. Lutheran Family Services: https://www.lfsneb.org/
    Contact: 402-342-7038

  5. Catholic Charities Behavior Health: https://www.ccomaha.org/program-and-services/behavioral-health
    Contact: 531-213-7396

ENHS Students Selected for Community Leadership Opportunities

After demonstrating outstanding leadership potential, Piper Connelly was selected to attend the Hugh O’Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership Seminar.  The HOBY Seminar, a yearly summer event held at a Nebraska College or University, will be held at Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska. HOBY’s mission is to inspire and develop our global community of youth and volunteers to a life dedicated to leadership, service and innovation.


Keaton Pham  was selected to attend the Nebraska Leadership Seminar (NLS) at Southeast Community College in Milford, Nebraska this summer. Nebraska Leadership Seminar, Inc. (NLS) is a nonprofit organization focused on helping students recognize their leadership strengths. Each year, NLS hosts a four-day seminar for high school sophomores to challenge, empower and inspire them to become the leaders Nebraska needs.


Both students were selected to represent ENHS after completing an extensive application and interviewing process, and both are actively involved at ENHS and have numerous volunteer and leadership experiences in our community.

ENHS Presents “School House Rock”

Join Elkhorn North High School students as they present “School House Rock”, streaming March 12 -14, 2021!  On-Demand viewing will be available beginning at 6:00 PM on March 12.


On-Demand viewing can be purchased for $10 by visiting http://bit.ly/3jZ3HV9.


School House Rock Promotional Flyer

2021-2022 9th Grade Course Registration Information

Current EPS 8th grade students will soon have an opportunity to learn more about the next steps in their education as they participate in discussions with high school counselors regarding their course registration for the upcoming school year.


High school counselors will visit each EPS middle school in February to distribute course registration information which outlines courses offered to 9th graders, as well as specific course recommendations.


Parents will also receive a video link to further explain the registration process and course offerings.  Students and parents should then discuss the recommendations and elective courses and complete the forms prior to the second round of counselor-visits in late February and early March to finalize courses.


The full schedule for these discussions is as follows:

  • Elkhorn Grandview Middle School
    • Initial Visit: February 25
    • Parent Information Video Distributed: Evening of February 25
    • Registration Form due to Middle School Counselor: March 3
    • Follow-up Visit: March 10
  • Elkhorn Middle School
    • Initial Visit: February 24
    • Parent Information Video Distributed: Evening of February 19
    • Registration Form due to Middle School Counselor: March 1
    • Follow-up Visit: March 5
  • Elkhorn Ridge Middle School
    • Initial Visit: February 10
    • Parent Information Video Distributed: Evening of February 10
    • Registration Form due to Middle School Counselor: February 15
    • Follow-up Visit: February 24
  • Elkhorn Valley View Middle School
    • Initial Visit: February 10
    • Parent Information Video Distributed: Evening of February 10
    • Registration Form due to Middle School Counselor: February 15
    • Follow-up Visit: February 24

Families who are new to EPS should contact their assigned high school as soon as possible to begin the registration process for the 21-22 school year.

  • Elkhorn High School:
    Tracy Frevert, (402) 289-4239
  • Elkhorn North High School:
    Lynette Arnold, (402) 289-0322
  • Elkhorn South High School:
    Lori Holstein, (402) 289-0616