Upcoming Thanksgiving and Winter Break Schedules
All EPS buildings will observe a Thanksgiving and Winter Break schedule to include the following early releases and no-school days:
- Wednesday, November 27, 2019: 1-hour early release
- Thursday, November 28 – Friday, November 29, 2019: No School
- Monday, December 23, 2019 – Friday, January 3, 2020: No School
The full 2019-2020 calendar including all important EPS dates can be viewed here.
As members of the Elkhorn Technology Team (ETT), high school students throughout Elkhorn Public Schools (EPS) have a unique opportunity to earn class credit while also gaining hands-on experience working with the hardware and software systems utilized throughout the District.
Prospective members must express interest in ETT as part of the annual class registration process, and those that become members forego a study hall option in favor of this highly sought after student aid position. In its second year, over 40 high school students district-wide are dedicating a portion of their school day, and sometimes volunteering after-school time, to ensuring that student devices are up and running. Once assigned to ETT, students work with members of the EPS Technology staff and the school’s media specialist to ensure accuracy of repairs and receive weekly training and daily guidance in both repairs and varying software programs and their uses.
Primarily, ETT members work on repairing student Chromebooks distributed to 6th-12th grade students as part of the EPS 1:1 device initiative. Members take part in varying types of repairs, including both hardware and software, and must diligently document their processes and any repairs made. From there, a supervisor reviews their work to ensure accuracy. In addition to working with Chromebooks, ETT members also assist with building-level technology. If a projector needs maintenance or a staff member is encountering audio problems, ETT members are able to work through their processes to correct them.
ETT provides many benefits to both students and the District. Members are able to gain career experience, while also improving valuable skills in customer service, problem-solving, and detail-orientation. For the District, providing adult training and repair supervision allows ETT members to be a great resource and front-line response to Chromebook and classroom repairs while also allowing students to continue building their resumes.
According to Jessica Ethridge, Media Specialist and ETT Supervisor at Elkhorn High School, one of the biggest benefits to ETT is the opportunity for students to become acquainted with others of similar interests which has allowed the forming of the tight-knit family that they have all come to appreciate and rely on.
BOND RESOLUTION – Frequently Asked Questions
Superintendent Baker Retiring, Dr. Habrock Named Incoming Superintendent
After 8 years as Superintendent of Elkhorn Public Schools and 42 years with the District, Superintendent Steve Baker will be retiring at the end of June, 2017. Transitioning into the position will be current Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Bary Habrock. Dr. Habrock, who will begin his 18th year with the District with the 2017-2018 school year, is looking forward to working closely with all those who make the District so special. “Thank you for the trust and opportunity to serve the students, families, educators, and staff that collectively make up the Elkhorn Public Schools District. I am honored to serve,” said Dr. Habrock.
While Mr. Baker is looking forward to retirement, he will miss his work with those in the District, especially the students. “Working with the students, staff and community has been a blessing. I’ve especially enjoyed the opportunity to observe our students’ accomplishments in and out of the classroom,” said Mr. Baker. “I’ll greatly miss being part of the day-to-day goings on, but I leave knowing that the pathway has been paved and that continued success lies ahead for Elkhorn Public Schools,” he said.