Summer Athletics and Activities Camps

We hope that you are excited about the many opportunities for athletic and activity skills development being offered this summer, and will join us for as many camps and clinics as possible! The list below provides information about summer athletic and activity camps being hosted by an EPS coach or sponsor as related to his/her duties within the school district.

2024 Offerings

Inaugural EPS Career Exploration Fair Planned

The inaugural EPS Career Exploration Fair, open to all EPS middle school and high school students, is scheduled for Wednesday, March 27, 2024, from 5:00 – 8:00 PM at Elkhorn South High School. Join EPS as we partner with over 100 local organizations to give students additional opportunities to explore career pathways and openings across a wide variety of fields including agriculture and natural resources, communication and information technology systems, skilled and technical sciences, health sciences, human services and education, and business management. 

As a reminder, student attendance at the EPS Career Exploration Fair meets the requirements of a career exploration activity as part of the Career ACHIEVE Scholarship requirements.  

To view a full list of business partners, please click here.


Career Exploration Fair, Wednesday, March 27, 2024 from 5:00 - 8:00 PM

EPS to Host “Parenting and Guiding the Smartphone Generation”

EPS to Host “Parenting and Guiding the Smartphone Generation”

In alignment with newly adopted Strategic Plans goals, and a focus on the mental health and overall well-being of students and staff, EPS will host Dr. Jean Twenge, Professor of Psychology at San Diego State University, as she presents “Parenting and Guiding the Smartphone Generation”. In addition to Dr. Twenge’s presentation, a Q&A session will follow featuring Creighton Volleyball Coach, Kirsten Bernthal Booth, EPS high school counselor, Martha Dowd, and EPS students. Parents are encouraged to attend this event being held on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, at 6:30 PM at Elkhorn South High School. The presentation will be free and open to the public.

Parenting and Guiding the Smartphone Generation
Today’s teens and young adults are Gen Z, the first generation to spend their adolescence with smartphones. Gen Z is growing up more slowly as adolescents, spending more time online, and spending less time hanging out with their friends in person. They also sleep less. Perhaps as a result, they are more likely to experience unhappiness, anxiety, and depression. You’ll walk away with ideas for how to help your family find a better balance with technology and be healthier and happier.


Photo of Dr. Jean M. Twenge

Dr. Jean M. Twenge
Jean M. Twenge, Professor of Psychology at San Diego State University, is the author of more than 180 scientific publications and seven books, including Generations: The Real Differences between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers and Silents—and What They Mean for America’s Future and iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy–and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood. She holds a BA and MA from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.



Photo of Kirsten Bernthal BoothKirsten Bernthal Booth
3x National Coach of the Year, Kirsten Bernthal Booth will enter her 22nd year as the Creighton Volleyball Coach in the fall. In addition to her accomplishments in coaching, Booth is the mother to three teenage daughters in an ever-evolving, technologically advanced society. Drawing from her experiences in both parenting and coaching, Booth offers insight into the joys, struggles, and mistakes of parenting the smartphone generation.

2023-24 2nd Quarter Honor Roll

The following students have been recognized as having earned placement on the Honor Roll for the 2nd quarter of the 2023-24 school year:


Last First Grade
Acker Colin 9
Bratt Addison 9
Buck Jacob 9
Carbullido Carter 9
Carney Jace 9
Cemer Olivia 9
Coe Hailey 9
Coler Camry 9
Costello Eilee 9
Damme Rayna 9
Detloff Noah 9
Ford Noah 9
Frost Joslyn 9
Gaboury Catelyn 9
Gloystein Reagan 9
Grant Emry 9
Hadad Olivia 9
Hearn Logan 9
Horeis Maximus 9
Huff Kaitlyn 9
Jefferson Luke 9
Jessen Jackson 9
Jones Gabrielle 9
Kandari Niharika 9
Keenan Zachary 9
Kindig Aubree 9
Lake Kaylee 9
Lavin Morgan 9
Lorimor John 9
Lucero Makenna 9
Marcley IV Harry 9
Martin Abigail 9
McMahon Aidan 9
McMurtry Austin 9
McNeal Kingston 9
Mesa Aanya 9
Miller Samuel 9
Noonan Reese 9
Owen Aiden 9
Pauletto KayLynn 9
Pham Kendal 9
Poss Blake 9
Real Anna 9
Reinoehl Jackson 9
Scherzberg Sabrina 9
Sealock Diana 9
Seger Jackson 9
Seitner Nora 9
Shada Andrew 9
Sharar Carly 9
Spencer Susan 9
Spitznagel Shelby 9
Sutko Grant 9
Swagler William 9
Taylor Andersen 9
Tesado Mel Mitch 9
Teschner Isabella 9
Viacrucis Altaiyah 9
Vijit Allie 9
Wesselmann Zen 9
Johnson Beckett 9
Sautter Aeden 9
Johnson Brady 9
Hewitt Alexis 9
Jayanti Drona 9
Rowe Dekker 9
Clements Kenley 9
Miller Kade 9
O’Brien Donovan 9
Palmer Jacob 9
Penmetsa Krishna 9
Petersen Mason 9
Santhos Ruthvika Tulasi 9
Severa Jackson 9
Dahlstrom Avery 9
DiPrima Vincent 9
Driever Keegan 9
Dunn McKenzie 9
Hutchinson Ava 9
Malik Morgan 9
Peterson Camille 9
Provaznik Zachary 9
Riesselman Charles 9
Robinson Leah 9
Seelam Sai Teja Reddy 9
Seier Layne 9
Smith Olivia 9
Wallace Lauren 9
Wills Harper 9
Ziebell Mason 9
Kriz Emily 9
Chalise Abinash 9
Palmer Alyssa 9
Scott Wyatt 9
Brown Parker 9
Carbullido Joaquin 9
Cox Connor 9
Garcia Lucy 9
Hilts Kyler 9
Kollasch Allyson 9
Niles Preston 9
Peter Avery 9
Peterson Carter 9
Thang Biak 9
Zarkowski Calen 9
Anderson Zackary 9
Koduru Abhirup 9
Abraham Aashna 9
Broshar Riley 9
Christensen Luke 9
Erickson Hunter 9
Johnson Xavier 9
Shradar Emersyn 9
Zarkowski Ryne 9
Nelson Samantha 9
Brocker Christopher 9
Christo Ian 9
Dalke Ava 9
Evans Drew 9
Fancher Kali 9
Hecht Keira 9
Kwon Eric 9
Lucey Cameron 9
Minturn Makenna 9
Murphy Kellen 9
Phung Thien 9
Rogers Dylan 9
Tingelhoff Jaden 9
Turner Mia 9
Wellman Ashlyn 9
Yager Maxwell 9
Ramirez Bryan 9
Santos Jocelyn 9
Simonson Ayden 9
Tran Kalia 9
Urbano Andrew 9
Wille Pierce 9
Wilson Riley 9
Escobar Danilo 9
Robson Lillian 9
Suarez-Guzman Samuel 9
O’Leary Claire 9
Saidy Sayeeda 9
Agbekponou Craidon 9
Beresh Camden 9
Bossert Madison 9
Clinkinbeard Katherine 9
Davis Corbin 9
Driever Carson 9
Fiala Connor 9
Lacey-Benson Taylin 9
Mielak Koda 9
Newbauer Ava 9
Skudlarek Hannah 9
Teel Bentlee 9
Tjepkes Connor 9
Waszak Ella 9
Wolfe Zachary 9
Wollen Tyler 9
Wright Dominic 9
Enke Josephine 9
Fritsch Charles 9
Young Jade 9
Dalrymple Claire 9
Gunzvenzve Nyasha 9
Ingraham Hayden 9
Pribnow Cade 9
Tian Joseph 9
Gloystein Reese 9
Hibbard Camden 9
Jones Alexander 9
Loghry Livia 9
Mack Caylee 9
Thich Mal 9
Crownover Violet 9
Rezac Hudson 9
Perez Evan 9
Connelly Eden 10
Krings Kason 10
Mercer Mason 10
Olson Jack 10
Uchtman Alexander 10
Uchtman Ava 10
Zhang Erica 10
Aliano Alexander 10
Christoffels Parker 10
Friedrichsen Keary 10
Halweg Raisa 10
Kratky Addison 10
Leahy Kieran 10
McCune Dallin 10
Miller Vanessa 10
Olijnek Evan 10
Sweeney Sophia 10
Thies Carter 10
Zagurski Alyssa 10
Akula Marsha 10
Artola Emily 10
Christoffels Paityn 10
Lange Noah 10
Praveen Tansi 10
Richardson Madden 10
Stumpf Kalli 10
Zheng Xin 10
Majumder Afra 10
Mensch Madison 10
Schreiner Grace 10
Stone Sophia 10
Tian Joyce 10
Allen Harrison 10
Aurich Kahlen 10
Brettmann Madeline 10
Cameron Reid 10
Christo Asher 10
DeVeney Zachary 10
Franzen Brooke 10
Keller Blake 10
Kenny Charlotte 10
Kenny Gabriella 10
Korth Cohen 10
Mahnke Carson 10
Marshall Hailey 10
Pearson Reese 10
Perrotto Julia 10
Phonephakdy Aubrey 10
Ramirez Daniela 10
Reynolds Jase 10
Ringenberg Garrett 10
Rosenbaum Hunter 10
Tran Harry 10
Whaley Logan 10
Connolly Lydia 10
Ferry Myles 10
Chien Allison 10
Ferry Elizabeth 10
Hoegemeyer Andrew 10
Keiser Zachary 10
Keller Graham 10
Newby Elyse 10
Smith Madalyn 10
Booth Hayden 10
Brown Penelope 10
DePew Emerson 10
Fairbanks James 10
Foy Kade 10
Franksmann Alena 10
Fries Barry 10
Froelich Jordan 10
Ghiai Ava 10
Janssen Jake 10
Lane Ryland 10
Marler Kylie 10
Sprowls Kaden 10
Tjepkes Elaine 10
Winn Hudson 10
Barth Mollie 10
Cameron Naomi 10
Christiansen Maverick 10
Groenjes Henry 10
Rohde Gavin 10
Stewart Emma 10
Tengue Shadrack 10
Beachy Ethan 10
Bhakta Liam 10
Caparida-Manion Sheldon 10
Carse Jocelyn 10
Coe Meghan 10
Coon Tarynn 10
Cooper Addilynn 10
Delgado Gabrielle 10
Hunsberger Samuel 10
Kaminski Cosette 10
Mayar Ayen 10
Mead Chloe 10
Meyer William 10
Philbrick Tyson 10
Pithan Skyler 10
Polking Jenna 10
Quigley Ronan 10
Rapp Nolan 10
Settles Jack 10
Smith Isabella 10
Thompson Ava 10
Jacobson Abigail 10
Akbari Ahmad Reza 10
Vokt Chase 10
Vokt Harrison 10
Araveti Sai Smaran 10
Asmus Ethan 10
Bailey Elena 10
Beaty Lauren 10
Bitcon Morgan 10
Bott Audrey 10
Brabec Audra 10
Dreher Brennon 10
Ferguson James 10
Forman Kira 10
Hopkins Christian 10
Larson Zane 10
Nietfeldt Andrew 10
Nolan Trenton 10
Phalen Delaney 10
Rieck-Capellan Derek 10
Schinning Hailey 10
Smith Sahler 10
Sykora Aiden 10
Wurdeman Sophie 10
Ferguson Taryn 10
Kissel Tomasz 10
Nelson Priscilla 10
Cannon Chloe 10
Armbrust Brody 10
Bannister Aubrey 10
Burnham Parker 10
Chavez Lukas 10
Daubert Kelsey 10
Gavin Abel 10
Going Isaac 10
Henthorn Kyla 10
Roundy Mya 10
Schmeeckle Cameron 10
Sledge Wyatt 10
Topf Gavin 10
Trofholz Nathan 10
Wolf Landon 10
Cooney Tyler 10
Heida Shane 10
Hipsher Nina 10
Santos Jonah 10
Spethman Marlie 10
Jardine Bennett 10
Franco James 10
Miller Mason 11
Zhang Argos 11
Bae Brayden 11
King Nolan 11
Smith Joslyn 11
King Robert 11
Phillips Aidan 11
Sarabia Luciana 11
Teri Amina 11
Kloster Ava 11
Sapkota Saral 11
Wiltse Brandon 11
Ford Ella 11
Grigsby Luke 11
Nietfeldt Tyler 11
Pruch Lydia 11
Brand Natalie 11
Brummels Payton 11
Panchal Aryan 11
Sake Sai Teja 11
Sharff Emily 11
Hess Elizabeth 11
Maharjan Nura 11
Miller Samantha 11
Vaughn Alayna 11
Hansen Mallory 11
Jakob Max 11
Steffen Samuel 11
Whalen Emma 11
Bischof Ava 11
Harb Taemullah 11
Jones Sophia 11
Reinhardt Chloe 11
Scholten Evan 11
Sule Enosakhare 11
Trauernicht Isaiah 11
Chaudhary Vanya 11
Speranza Mia 11
Vazquez Diaz Daniela 11
Biegert Zachary 11
Carlson Aidan 11
Cervania Benjamin 11
Cooley Skyler 11
Crom Jackson 11
Dosseh Avin 11
Farrington William 11
Heedum Brendan 11
Kollasch Ava 11
Kudlacz Kara 11
Madrigal Benjamin 11
Mahloch Chelsea 11
Nguyen Sara 11
Nosal Hannah 11
Palmer Reagan 11
Pappas Kyesun 11
Petrick Jacob 11
Phillips Owen 11
Rosterman Abigail 11
Sijapati Prashika 11
Splonskowski Ayla 11
Thomas Parker 11
Wallace Sydney 11
Jeung Shinyoung 11
Adams-Baum Caitlyn 11
Berthiaume Lane 11
Celis Evan 11
Clinkinbeard Sophia 11
Coleman Graisyn 11
Damme Faith 11
George Ashleigh 11
Gragert Kendall 11
Haworth Aubry 11
Kudrna Nathan 11
Peter Makenzie 11
Real Jack 11
Ripley Anna 11
Wollen Brody 11
Hendryx Jane 11
Newbauer Julian 11
Akol Marvella 11
Goldman Ryan 11
Heaney Shannon 11
Horeis Kailynn 11
Koles Sophia 11
Lorimor William 11
McDougald Alanna 11
O’Brien Kailey 11
Saunders Samuel 11
Tillman Madilyn 11
Uddin Shumon 11
Maeser Jackson 11
Powell Bailey 11
Abdalla Abdallah 11
Alonok Mohammad 11
Cerone III Michael 11
Eldin Ewan 11
Huff Sam 11
Knapp Gavin 11
Massey Desiree 11
Melendrez Avery 11
Metschke Aiden 11
Pham Korvin 11
Rademacher Grant 11
Stamp Kaleb 11
Tingelhoff Jett 11
Tran Hannah 11
Zielinski Jordan 11
Boehler Elle 11
Dormady Alexis 11
Hesman Grace 11
Lopez Morales Camila 11
Murphy Mason 11
Pappas Grant 11
Magalhães Anne 11
Humphreys Nathan 11
Morehouse Remington 11
Rutter Addison 11
Archer Aidan 11
Kapraun Lily 11
Winegard Noah 11
Wright Alexis 11
Grant Joshua 11
Jenkins Landon 11
Dzhavadova Amina 11
Monaghan-Sova Tristan 12
Reinoehl Eva 12
Asmus Dylan 12
Aurich Kiley 12
Burke Madilyn 12
Cannon Ellie 12
Dutoit Allyson 12
Harrison Madeleine 12
Johnson Ava 12
Krings Lucia 12
Perrotto Benjamin 12
Stodden Sydney 12
Willcoxon Emma 12
Stone Alyssa 12
Gordman Preston 12
Hill Sophia 12
Uhler Alexander 12
Binte Sharil Yasmin 12
Bott Delaney 12
Butler Luke 12
Jarzynka Koral 12
Jesske Grace 12
Karmazin Julia 12
Pignotti Payton 12
Wesselmann Emi 12
Kloster Aidan 12
Allen Austin 12
Bork Charlie 12
Carney Quinn 12
Dworak Allyson 12
Martin Anna 12
McGill Seth 12
Mensch Ryan 12
Owen Ellen 12
Quigley Fiona 12
Warnsing Kaylee 12
Halweg Selah 12
Longua Joshua 12
Urbano Brandon 12
Andersen Maggie 12
Bird Logan 12
Caniglia Ashlyn 12
Collins Peyton 12
Grossart Jett 12
Hoffman Amanda 12
Marler Brock 12
Miller Reily 12
Murphy McKenna 12
Nguyen Logan 12
Perrotto Anthony 12
Ringenberg Mallory 12
Shada Eli 12
Spies Ava 12
Asuncion Eleanor 12
Bonoan Cole 12
Connolly Devin 12
Driever Colby 12
Hartnett Emma 12
Hibbard Mya 12
Leth Keighlin 12
Mockelstrom Kenzie 12
Prince Britt 12
Thomas Samuel 12
Warren Isabel 12
Alhemayyed Abdullah 12
Dallegge Sydney 12
Jalali Nyla 12
Alvarez Jayla 12
Black Mallorie 12
Briganti Delaney 12
Cash Emily 12
Christo Courtney 12
Hagestad Courtney 12
Hess Owen 12
Karki Arnav 12
Kissel Pawel 12
Lindquist Kallie 12
Loghry Lillian 12
Mack Jada 12
Maxell Addyson 12
Mehaffey Lacy 12
Peterson Elijah 12
Pribnow Halle 12
Schmeeckle Maya 12
Skrupa Sharlan 12
Booth Reese 12
Kunz Tytus 12
Messineo Sophia 12
Ruma Taylor 12
Wagner Ellen 12
Warren Noah 12
McMahon Colin 12
Bergstrom Jasmyn 12
Brickell Tessa 12
Chaudhary Ujjwal 12
Coe Caleb 12
Cooney Ryan 12
Falconer Macy 12
Fancher Tyson 12
Flaherty Lucille 12
Freed Blake 12
Jarecke Aubrey 12
Jarzynka Grey 12
Keilany Omar 12
Limbeck Starr 12
Maloney Murphy 12
Oehm Mason 12
Olijnek Adam 12
Pithan Ryker 12
Preister Sophia 12
Station Jeriah 12
Stern Samantha 12
Thomas Austin 12
Wieseman Caden 12
Wolf Haylee 12
Brettmann Gracie 12
Grasmick Kendall 12
Hearn Hailey 12
Horner Zachary 12
Lary Ellie 12
Lindquist Conner 12
Murphy Tyler 12
Palmer Dylan 12
Phillips Ashley 12
Roundy Zane 12
Sellmeyer Bodie 12
Sila Nathan 12
Vera Isabella 12
Warren Amya 12
Douglas Ethan 12
Eckstrom Samuel 12
Lucoff Oliver 12
Rohe Riley 12
Shirley Austen 12
Sinnott Jack 12
Spencer Sarah 12
Syed Aliza 12
Thoreen Isabella 12
Agbekponou Keira 12
Ballard Cameron 12
Graham James 12
Higgins Alyssa 12
Kill Hailey 12
Paben Malia 12
Price Jay 12
Sachs Morgan 12
Sullivan Benjamin 12
Sullivan Jakob 12
Vipond Cayden 12
Wagner Kaitlyn 12
Meridith Shea 12
Tuttle Jake 12
Houser Chadwick 12
Al Quraishi Yasir 12
Ettleman Aidan 12
Ferguson John 12
Hughes Katelyn 12
Knudsen Shea 12
Koske Elena 12
McGill Julia 12
Miller Emma 12
Myers Jayden 12
Nowaczyk Colin 12
Tanner Shelby 12
Hoegemeyer Elisabeth 12
Jacobsmeier Camryn 12
Johnson Bridget 12
Pearson Reagan 12
Beardslee Addison 12
Clarys Aidan 12
Daubert Cole 12
Davis Logan 12
Dryak Cole 12
Fast Allee 12
Keller Jericka 12
Lindquist Abby 12
Mains Makayla 12
Nasulloeva Poximokhon 12
Nolan Sophia 12
Turner Kamerin 12
Witt Sterling 12
Lamb Swade 12
Rodenbough Nathan 12
Thiessen Christopher 12
Bauer Mya 12
Hernandez Aidan 12
Kerwin Mya 12

EPS Earns Place on 2023 AP Honor Roll

As part of the recently released 2023 AP Honor Roll, all three Elkhorn Public Schools high schools are among those being recognized as having built a culture of academic success while broadening access to AP courses for all students. This honor is a direct reflection of the dedication to academic excellence by all EPS students and staff.  During the most recent school year, 2,350 AP exams were taken by EPS students across 13 subject areas.

For more information about the AP Honor Roll, please click here.

Elkhorn Voters Display Support for Education, Approve $122.9M Bond Issue

In a direct display of their support for education, Elkhorn voters approved a $122.9 million bond measure on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, with 63% of voters in favor of the measure.

One of the greatest strengths of the Elkhorn Public Schools (EPS) is the partnership the district shares with our community, and the passing of the proposed bond is another indicator of that strength. This bond issue marks the 12th time since 1992 that voters have partnered with the school district to make the educational needs of students a top priority. The quality of our school district was built and still depends on broad community support, and EPS continues to be grateful! This is the outcome needed in response to growth and to make our schools safer; now, it is the District’s job to continue being responsible stewards of the taxpayer dollars that our community has invested as we continue the important work of educating lifelong learners.