2023-24 Back to School Information

We hope your summer has been enjoyable, and we are looking forward to welcoming your child(ren) to school on August 15, 2023! The following information will be beneficial as we look to the start of the 2023-2024 school year.  Please review the information in-depth to ensure all requested tasks are completed.

Online Registration
EPS utilizes an online registration system for parents of returning students in grades K-12 to update information and complete all Back-to-School registration information.  To use this feature, parents/guardians need access to a PowerSchool parent account.  If you do not have a parent PowerSchool account, instructions for creating one can be found at https://bit.ly/EPSps1.  On Tuesday, August 1, you will receive an email from PowerSchool alerting you to the opening of the Online Registration process.  If you are unable to access your PowerSchool parent account or do not receive the email on August 1, please contact your child’s school for assistance. 

Please note that we are continuing to clean up our contact database which includes consolidating duplicate parent and emergency contact entries.  Knowing that, please make sure that only your student(s) is connected to your PowerSchool account.  If you notice anything irregular about your PowerSchool account, please contact your school.  As part of this process, we will also require all parent/guardian contacts to include a middle name or middle initial moving forward.

*Students, including all Preschool and Kindergarten students, who completed the New Student Registration process will not receive an email regarding the opening of Online Registration as they do not need to redo the online registration process.* 

Athletics Registration
All EPS middle and high schools utilize rSchool for athletics registration. To complete this process, please visit  https://elkhornps-ar.rschooltoday.com/. If you have any questions or need assistance with Athletics registration, please contact your assigned high school’s Athletics Department.  

*Online athletics registration must be completed by the first day of practice in order to be able to participate.*

Online Payments
EPS uses SchoolPay for online payment of activity fees, device coverage, lunch funds, and other payments.  Instructions for creating an account and using SchoolPay can be found here: https://bit.ly/EPSpay

*Note: Payment for Device Coverage must be received no later than September 1 or coverage will not be provided.

Meal Information and Free/Reduced Applications
EPS also partners with SchoolPay for student lunch accounts.  To add funds, go to www.schoolpay.com and log into your user account.  If you do not yet have a SchoolPay account, instructions to create one can be found by clicking here.

Breakfast and lunch prices for the 2023-2024 school year are as follows:


  • Elementary: $1.75
  • Middle School: $1.95
  • High School: $2.15


  • Elementary: $2.80
  • Middle School: $3.50
  • High School: $3.65

Additionally, a free and reduced lunch application must be submitted in order to receive free/reduced meal prices and the additional benefits that can be provided to families who qualify.  Instructions for completing online or hard-copy applications can be found at https://www.elkhornweb.org/parents/lunch/.  A hard copy of the application can be found attached to this email. Families who qualify for free/reduced meals may also request the waiving of student fees by completing the waiver application found at this link or hard-copy waiver forms are also available in your school’s office.

Free/Reduced Lunch Application 

Free/Reduced Lunch Application (Spanish)

Parent-paid Accident Insurance
EPS offers optional parent-paid accident insurance if a family chooses to elect such coverage.  Information on this coverage can be found attached to this email.

Accident Insurance Information 

Accident Insurance Information (Spanish)


2023-2024 Back to School Information

New Student Registration
Registration for students who did not attend an EPS school during the 2022-23 school year is currently open at http://www.elkhornweb.org/parents/new-students/. Upon completion of the online registration process, families should contact their assigned school to schedule an appointment for New Student registration, planned for Tuesday, August 1 and Wednesday, August 2, 2023.  EPS staff members who schedule appointments will return to their buildings on July 25. If you call prior to that date, please leave a message, and they will return your call upon their return.


Returning Students Registration
Online registration will open for returning students on August 1. Additional information and a link to register will be provided via email on August 1, 2023.


Athletics Registration
Athletics registration for the 2023-24 school year opens on August 1 at https://elkhornps-ar.rschooltoday.com/. Additionally, all students who plan to participate in sports will need a sports physical. Please contact your healthcare provider to arrange for your child to get a Sports Physical for next year. Please note that Sports Physicals must be dated after May 1, 2023, and proof of a completed physical must be provided prior to participating in the sports season.


Open House
Open house for all EPS high schools is scheduled for Thursday, August 3, from 12:00-6:00. At this time, students will take school photos and have access to the building to familiarize themselves with the location of lockers, classrooms, etc.


First Day of School
The first day of school for students will be Tuesday, August 15. Freshmen will attend from 8:10 – 11:45, and all upperclassmen will attend from 12:30 – 3:20. Regularly-scheduled, full day classes will start on Wednesday, August 16.

2022-23 4th Quarter Honor Roll

The following students have been recognized as having earned placement on the Honor Roll for the 4th quarter of the 2022-23 school year:

Grade First Last
9 Ahmad Reza Akbari
9 Marsha Akula
9 Alexander Aliano
9 Harrison Allen
9 Sai Smaran Araveti
9 Brody Armbrust
9 Emily Artola
9 Kahlen Aurich
9 Elena Bailey
9 Aubrey Bannister
9 Mollie Barth
9 Ethan Beachy
9 Lauren Beaty
9 Liam Bhakta
9 Morgan Bitcon
9 Hayden Booth
9 Audrey Bott
9 Audra Brabec
9 Madeline Brettmann
9 Naomi Cameron
9 Reid Cameron
9 Chloe Cannon
9 Sheldon Caparida-Manion
9 Jocelyn Carse
9 Lukas Chavez
9 Allison Chien
9 Maverick Christiansen
9 Asher Christo
9 Paityn Christoffels
9 Parker Christoffels
9 Ronan Clements
9 Meghan Coe
9 Eden Connelly
9 Lydia Connolly
9 Tarynn Coon
9 Tyler Cooney
9 Addilynn Cooper
9 Gabrielle Delgado
9 Emerson DePew
9 Zachary DeVeney
9 Brennon Dreher
9 Jasmine Eagan
9 Crew Eaton
9 James Fairbanks
9 Taryn Ferguson
9 James Ferguson
9 Elizabeth Ferry
9 Myles Ferry
9 Makenna Fiala
9 Jackson Flodine
9 Naomi Ford
9 Kade Foy
9 James Franco
9 Brooke Franzen
9 Keary Friedrichsen
9 Barry Fries
9 Jordan Froelich
9 Ava Ghiai
9 Isaac Going
9 Aashish Gopisetty
9 Henry Groenjes
9 Raisa Halweg
9 Cole Hanigan
9 Lily Hass
9 Barrett Haun
9 Shane Heida
9 Nina Hipsher
9 Andrew Hoegemeyer
9 Samuel Hunsberger
9 Ella Jackson
9 Abigail Jacobson
9 Jake Janssen
9 Bennett Jardine
9 Cosette Kaminski
9 Zachary Keiser
9 Graham Keller
9 Blake Keller
9 Gabriella Kenny
9 Charlotte Kenny
9 Zoheb Khan
9 Tomasz Kissel
9 Cohen Korth
9 Addison Kratky
9 Kason Krings
9 Ryland Lane
9 Noah Lange
9 Zane Larson
9 Madison Laughlin
9 Kieran Leahy
9 Keliese Leth
9 Carson Mahnke
9 Afra Majumder
9 Kylie Marler
9 Hailey Marshall
9 Kenneth Mattson
9 Ayen Mayar
9 Dallin McCune
9 Austin McGrath
9 Chloe Mead
9 Madison Mensch
9 Mason Mercer
9 William Meyer
9 Vanessa Miller
9 Andrew Miller
9 Elyse Newby
9 Trenton Nolan
9 Evan Olijnek
9 Jack Olson
9 Reese Pearson
9 Julia Perrotto
9 Tyson Philbrick
9 Aubrey Phonephakdy
9 Jenna Polking
9 Tansi Praveen
9 Ronan Quigley
9 Daniela Ramirez
9 Nolan Rapp
9 Jase Reynolds
9 Madden Richardson
9 Derek Rieck-Capellan
9 Garrett Ringenberg
9 Gabrielle Robertson
9 Gavin Rohde
9 Hunter Rosenbaum
9 Jonah Santos
9 Cameron Schmeeckle
9 Grace Schreiner
9 Mohammad Yousuf Seddiqi
9 Faith Seely
9 Wyatt Sledge
9 Madalyn Smith
9 Isabella Smith
9 Kaden Sprowls
9 Emma Stewart
9 Sophia Stone
9 Kalli Stumpf
9 Sophia Sweeney
9 Shadrack Tengue
9 Carter Thies
9 Logan Thomas
9 Ava Thompson
9 Joyce Tian
9 Elaine Tjepkes
9 Gavin Topf
9 Harry Tran
9 Nathan Trofholz
9 Alexander Uchtman
9 Ava Uchtman
9 Nathan Vijit
9 Harrison Vokt
9 Chase Vokt
9 Logan Whaley
9 Bailey Wilkins
9 Landon Wolf
9 Sophie Wurdeman
9 Alyssa Zagurski
9 Erica Zhang
9 Xin Zheng
10 Abdallah Abdalla
10 Caitlyn Adams-Baum
10 Marvella Akol
10 Mohammad Alonok
10 Brayden Bae
10 Donovan Bebermeyer
10 Lane Berthiaume
10 Pierce Bertucci
10 Zachary Biegert
10 Ava Bischof
10 Elle Boehler
10 Natalie Brand
10 Payton Brummels
10 Aidan Carlson
10 Michael Cerone III
10 Benjamin Cervania
10 Vanya Chaudhary
10 Gabrielle Clements
10 Sophia Clinkinbeard
10 Graisyn Coleman
10 Skyler Cooley
10 Ty Councill
10 Jackson Crom
10 Faith Damme
10 Alexis Dormady
10 Avin Dosseh
10 Ewan Eldin
10 William Farrington
10 Ella Ford
10 Ashleigh George
10 Ryan Goldman
10 Alejandro González Baños
10 Kendall Gragert
10 Joshua Grant
10 Luke Grigsby
10 Mallory Hansen
10 Taemullah Harb
10 Aubry Haworth
10 Shannon Heaney
10 Brendan Heedum
10 Jane Hendryx
10 Grace Hesman
10 Elizabeth Hess
10 Kailynn Horeis
10 Lindsey Hrbek
10 Sam Huff
10 Max Jakob
10 Sophia Jones
10 Lily Kapraun
10 Nadia Khalafalla
10 Nolan King
10 Robert King
10 Ava Kloster
10 Jayden Kohnekamp
10 Sophia Koles
10 Ava Kollasch
10 Kara Kudlacz
10 Nathan Kudrna
10 Morgan Lake
10 Ally Lawrence
10 Chase Loftin
10 William Lorimor
10 William Maddux
10 Benjamin Madrigal
10 Jackson Maeser
10 Anne Magalhães
10 Nura Maharjan
10 Chelsea Mahloch
10 Desiree Massey
10 Alanna McDougald
10 Avery Melendrez
10 Aiden Metschke
10 Peyton Meyer
10 Mason Miller
10 Samantha Miller
10 Sara Nguyen
10 Tyler Nietfeldt
10 Hannah Nosal
10 Kailey O’Brien
10 Reagan Palmer
10 Aryan Panchal
10 Kyesun Pappas
10 Grant Pappas
10 Makenzie Peter
10 Nico Peterson
10 Jacob Petrick
10 Aidan Phillips
10 Owen Phillips
10 Bailey Powell
10 Lydia Pruch
10 Jack Real
10 Chloe Reinhardt
10 Anna Ripley
10 Abigail Rosterman
10 Sai Teja Sake
10 Saral Sapkota
10 Luciana Sarabia
10 Samuel Saunders
10 Evan Scholten
10 Prashika Sijapati
10 Joslyn Smith
10 Mia Speranza
10 Kaleb Stamp
10 Samuel Steffen
10 Dylan Stiles
10 Amina Teri
10 Parker Thomas
10 Madilyn Tillman
10 Jett Tingelhoff
10 Hannah Tran
10 Isaiah Trauernicht
10 Shumon Uddin
10 Alayna Vaughn
10 Daniela Vazquez Diaz
10 Maya Vodolazskiy
10 Sydney Wallace
10 Emma Whalen
10 Tyson Whorlow
10 Brandon Wiltse
10 Brody Wollen
10 Alexis Wright
10 Argos Zhang
10 Jordan Zielinski
11 Keira Agbekponou
11 Abdullah Alhemayyed
11 Austin Allen
11 Jayla Alvarez
11 Dylan Asmus
11 Eleanor Asuncion
11 Kiley Aurich
11 Jasmyn Bergstrom
11 Yasmin Binte Sharil
11 Logan Bird
11 Mallorie Black
11 Cole Bonoan
11 Reese Booth
11 Charlie Bork
11 Delaney Bott
11 Gracie Brettmann
11 Tessa Brickell
11 Delaney Briganti
11 Madilyn Burke
11 Luke Butler
11 Ashlyn Caniglia
11 Ellie Cannon
11 Quinn Carney
11 Emily Cash
11 Courtney Christo
11 Aidan Clarys
11 Caleb Coe
11 Peyton Collins
11 Devin Connolly
11 Ryan Cooney
11 Sydney Dallegge
11 Paige DeVeney
11 Molly Dineen
11 Ethan Douglas
11 Colby Driever
11 Cole Dryak
11 Allyson Dutoit
11 Allyson Dworak
11 Aidan Ettleman
11 Macy Falconer
11 Blake Freed
11 Cooper Gellatly
11 Preston Gordman
11 James Graham
11 Kendall Grasmick
11 Jett Grossart
11 Courtney Hagestad
11 Selah Halweg
11 Madeleine Harrison
11 Emma Hartnett
11 Aidan Hernandez
11 Owen Hess
11 Mya Hibbard
11 Alyssa Higgins
11 Sophia Hill
11 Duh Hnem
11 Amanda Hoffman
11 Chadwick Houser
11 Katelyn Hughes
11 Nyla Jalali
11 Aubrey Jarecke
11 Koral Jarzynka
11 Grace Jesske
11 Ava Johnson
11 Arnav Karki
11 Julia Karmazin
11 Pawel Kissel
11 Aidan Kloster
11 Elena Koske
11 Lucia Krings
11 Tytus Kunz
11 Swade Lamb
11 Ellie Lary
11 Abigail Leatherman
11 Keighlin Leth
11 Starr Limbeck
11 Kallie Lindquist
11 Conner Lindquist
11 Lillian Loghry
11 Joshua Longua
11 Oliver Lucoff
11 Jada Mack
11 Murphy Maloney
11 Brock Marler
11 Anna Martin
11 Addyson Maxell
11 Seth McGill
11 Julia McGill
11 Colin McMahon
11 Lacy Mehaffey
11 Ryan Mensch
11 Shea Meridith
11 Sophia Messineo
11 Reily Miller
11 Kenzie Mockelstrom
11 Tristan Monaghan-Sova
11 McKenna Murphy
11 Logan Nguyen
11 Colin Nowaczyk
11 Mason Oehm
11 Adam Olijnek
11 Ella Osten
11 Ellen Owen
11 Reagan Pearson
11 Benjamin Perrotto
11 Anthony Perrotto
11 Ashley Phillips
11 Payton Pignotti
11 Ryker Pithan
11 Sophia Preister
11 Halle Pribnow
11 Jay Price
11 Britt Prince
11 Fiona Quigley
11 Eva Reinoehl
11 Mallory Ringenberg
11 Nolan Robinson
11 Nathan Rodenbough
11 Riley Rohe
11 Zane Roundy
11 Taylor Ruma
11 Spencer Schenarts
11 Maya Schmeeckle
11 Bodie Sellmeyer
11 Eli Shada
11 Austen Shirley
11 Nathan Sila
11 Jack Sinnott
11 Sharlan Skrupa
11 Carter Sorgen
11 Sarah Spencer
11 Ava Spies
11 Jeriah Station
11 Samantha Stern
11 Sydney Stodden
11 Alyssa Stone
11 Charles Story
11 Benjamin Sullivan
11 Jakob Sullivan
11 Christopher Thiessen
11 Samuel Thomas
11 Austin Thomas
11 Isabella Thoreen
11 Alexander Troia
11 Jake Tuttle
11 Alexandria Uhler
11 Brandon Urbano
11 Isabella Vera
11 Cayden Vipond
11 Ellen Wagner
11 Kaitlyn Wagner
11 Kaylee Warnsing
11 Isabel Warren
11 Amya Warren
11 Avery Waszak
11 Jenna Weber
11 Emi Wesselmann
11 Caden Wieseman
11 Emma Willcoxon
11 Haylee Wolf
12 Reese Aliano
12 Ian Armbrust
12 Abigail Baker
12 Alexandra Ball
12 Sophia Banfield
12 Joshua Basilevac
12 Dawson Baye
12 Kayla Beachy
12 Karim Bernal
12 Tara Binte Sharil
12 Rio Bischof
12 Braden Borchers
12 Tara Carrier
12 Zachary Christiansen
12 Charlotte Christo
12 Piper Connelly
12 Keller Cox
12 Meghan Cunningham
12 Claranne Davies
12 Owen Davis
12 Jon Doscher
12 Dillon Drew
12 Nathan Dull
12 Karlie Efaw
12 Kyler Evans
12 Jacob Ford
12 Kara Frahm
12 Alec Franksmann
12 Joseph Gima
12 Morgan Going
12 Finley Gragert
12 Aniston Grant
12 Zabi Hadi
12 Aiden Haight
12 Emma Hanke
12 Kyler Hanson
12 Drew Harper
12 Ryan Harrahill
12 Jacob Hassler
12 Natalie Haun
12 Grace Heaney
12 Garrett Heaney
12 Ava Hearty
12 Abigail Heaton
12 William Hendryx
12 Alicia Hernandez
12 Jacob Horner
12 Kailey Hrbek
12 Emily Huff
12 Sadie Jacobson
12 Austin Japp
12 Caleb Jefferson
12 Wells Johnson
12 Maizy Jones
12 Sydney Keller
12 Cole Keller
12 Raeanna LaFleur
12 Alissa Lake
12 Levi Larson
12 Jackson Laughlin
12 Ella Lucey
12 Samiyah Maskati
12 Maia McArdle
12 Cameron Mead
12 Jaiden Mencke
12 Isaiah Miller
12 Emily Miller
12 Donald Moore
12 Ava Murphy
12 Hannah Nadgwick
12 Vivian Nelson
12 Teresa Nguyen
12 Jade Noonan
12 Joseph Norman
12 Samuel Norman
12 Kaitlyn O’Brien
12 Lauren Ohlendorf
12 Tate Patterson
12 Caleb Polking
12 Jonah Priebe
12 Zachary Protaskey
12 Madiha Qulagi
12 Liam Rafter
12 David Ramirez-Huerta
12 Carson Reinhardt
12 Katelyn Revers
12 Zachary Robinson
12 Haley Rohrig
12 Conner Ross
12 Nicholas Rowe
12 Natalie Saldi
12 Safal Sapkota
12 Nicholas Schlott
12 Freshta Seddiqi
12 Cheyene Shannon
12 Cole Sharar
12 Claire Simones
12 Megan Sorensen
12 Hailey Sprowls
12 Taylor Steffes
12 Mia Steiger
12 Skye Steiger
12 Kathryn Stover
12 Bridget Swan
12 Grace Tanner
12 Grace Thompson
12 Nicholas Trofholz
12 Dylan Vogt
12 Adysyn Walter
12 Jadon Webster
12 Harrison Weddell
12 Christian Young


2022-2023 Last Student Day Information

The last student day of the 2022-2023 school year will be Wednesday, May 24, 2023. This is a change to the currently posted calendar given only two inclement weather days. To review calendar development processes, please visit https://bit.ly/3vfExro.

Additional dismissal details are as follows:

Tuesday, 5/23
High School: 12:55 pm Dismissal
Middle School: Normal Day 3:20 pm Dismissal
Elementary School: Normal Day 3:06 pm Dismissal
Preschool: Normal Day AM & PM Sessions (Last Day for PM Preschool Session)

Wednesday, 5/24
High School: 11:45 am Dismissal
Middle School: 11:30 am Dismissal
Elementary School: 11:30 am Dismissal
Preschool: AM Session 10:30 Dismissal & NO PM Session

Approved calendars for future school years can be found here for reference and planning.

2022-23 3rd Quarter Honor Roll

The following students have been recognized as having earned placement on the Honor Roll for the 3rd quarter of the 2022-23 school year:

Grade First Last
9 Ahmad Reza Akbari
9 Marsha Akula
9 Alexander Aliano
9 Harrison Allen
9 Sai Smaran Araveti
9 Brody Armbrust
9 Emily Artola
9 Ethan Asmus
9 Kahlen Aurich
9 Elena Bailey
9 Mollie Barth
9 Ethan Beachy
9 Lauren Beaty
9 Liam Bhakta
9 Morgan Bitcon
9 Emily Bonoan
9 Hayden Booth
9 Audrey Bott
9 Audra Brabec
9 Madeline Brettmann
9 Naomi Cameron
9 Reid Cameron
9 Chloe Cannon
9 Sheldon Caparida-Manion
9 Jocelyn Carse
9 Lukas Chavez
9 Allison Chien
9 Maverick Christiansen
9 Asher Christo
9 Paityn Christoffels
9 Parker Christoffels
9 Meghan Coe
9 Eden Connelly
9 Lydia Connolly
9 Tarynn Coon
9 Tyler Cooney
9 Addilynn Cooper
9 Gabrielle Delgado
9 Emerson DePew
9 Zachary DeVeney
9 Brennon Dreher
9 Colton Drew
9 Jasmine Eagan
9 Jacob Earnest
9 Taryn Ferguson
9 James Ferguson
9 Elizabeth Ferry
9 Myles Ferry
9 Naomi Ford
9 Kade Foy
9 James Franco
9 Brooke Franzen
9 Keary Friedrichsen
9 Barry Fries
9 Jordan Froelich
9 Ava Ghiai
9 Isaac Going
9 Henry Groenjes
9 Raisa Halweg
9 Cole Hanigan
9 Lily Hass
9 Barrett Haun
9 Shane Heida
9 Andrew Hoegemeyer
9 Christian Hopkins
9 Samuel Hunsberger
9 Ella Jackson
9 Jake Janssen
9 Bennett Jardine
9 Cosette Kaminski
9 Zachary Keiser
9 Blake Keller
9 Graham Keller
9 Charlotte Kenny
9 Gabriella Kenny
9 Zoheb Khan
9 Tomasz Kissel
9 Cohen Korth
9 Addison Kratky
9 Kason Krings
9 Ryland Lane
9 Noah Lange
9 Zane Larson
9 Madison Laughlin
9 Kieran Leahy
9 Keliese Leth
9 Carson Mahnke
9 Afra Majumder
9 Kylie Marler
9 Hailey Marshall
9 Ayen Mayar
9 Dallin McCune
9 Austin McGrath
9 Chloe Mead
9 Madison Mensch
9 Mason Mercer
9 William Meyer
9 Vanessa Miller
9 Elyse Newby
9 Trenton Nolan
9 Camdyn Oldfield
9 Evan Olijnek
9 Jack Olson
9 Reese Pearson
9 Julia Perrotto
9 Tyson Philbrick
9 Aubrey Phonephakdy
9 Jenna Polking
9 Tansi Praveen
9 Ronan Quigley
9 Daniela Ramirez
9 Nolan Rapp
9 Jase Reynolds
9 Madden Richardson
9 Derek Rieck-Capellan
9 Garrett Ringenberg
9 Gabrielle Robertson
9 Gavin Rohde
9 Hunter Rosenbaum
9 Jonah Santos
9 Cameron Schmeeckle
9 Grace Schreiner
9 Mohammad Yousuf Seddiqi
9 Faith Seely
9 Madalyn Smith
9 Isabella Smith
9 Kaden Sprowls
9 Emma Stewart
9 Sophia Stone
9 Kalli Stumpf
9 Sophia Sweeney
9 Aiden Sykora
9 Shadrack Tengue
9 Carter Thies
9 Ava Thompson
9 Joyce Tian
9 Elaine Tjepkes
9 Gavin Topf
9 Harry Tran
9 Nathan Trofholz
9 Alexander Uchtman
9 Ava Uchtman
9 Nathan Vijit
9 Harrison Vokt
9 Chase Vokt
9 Logan Whaley
9 Bailey Wilkins
9 Hudson Winn
9 Landon Wolf
9 Sophie Wurdeman
9 Alyssa Zagurski
9 Erica Zhang
9 Xin Zheng
10 Abdallah Abdalla
10 Caitlyn Adams-Baum
10 Marvella Akol
10 Mohammad Alonok
10 Brayden Bae
10 Benjamin Bailey
10 Lane Berthiaume
10 Zachary Biegert
10 Ava Bischof
10 Natalie Brand
10 Payton Brummels
10 Aidan Carlson
10 Michael Cerone III
10 Benjamin Cervania
10 Vanya Chaudhary
10 Gabrielle Clements
10 Graisyn Coleman
10 Skyler Cooley
10 Ty Councill
10 Jackson Crom
10 Faith Damme
10 Avin Dosseh
10 Ewan Eldin
10 William Farrington
10 Ella Ford
10 Ashleigh George
10 Ryan Goldman
10 Joshua Grant
10 Luke Grigsby
10 Mallory Hansen
10 Taemullah Harb
10 Aubry Haworth
10 Shannon Heaney
10 Brendan Heedum
10 Jane Hendryx
10 Grace Hesman
10 Elizabeth Hess
10 Sam Huff
10 Max Jakob
10 Sophia Jones
10 Lily Kapraun
10 Nadia Khalafalla
10 Nolan King
10 Robert King
10 Ava Kloster
10 Jayden Kohnekamp
10 Sophia Koles
10 Ava Kollasch
10 Kara Kudlacz
10 Nathan Kudrna
10 Morgan Lake
10 Chase Loftin
10 William Lorimor
10 William Maddux
10 Benjamin Madrigal
10 Jackson Maeser
10 Anne Magalhães
10 Nura Maharjan
10 Chelsea Mahloch
10 Desiree Massey
10 Alanna McDougald
10 Avery Melendrez
10 Aiden Metschke
10 Peyton Meyer
10 Mason Miller
10 Samantha Miller
10 Remington Morehouse
10 Sofie Nesheim
10 Sara Nguyen
10 Tyler Nietfeldt
10 Hannah Nosal
10 Kailey O’Brien
10 Reagan Palmer
10 Aryan Panchal
10 Kyesun Pappas
10 Grant Pappas
10 Makenzie Peter
10 Nico Peterson
10 Jacob Petrick
10 Aidan Phillips
10 Owen Phillips
10 Bailey Powell
10 Lydia Pruch
10 Jack Real
10 Chloe Reinhardt
10 Anna Ripley
10 Caty Ross
10 Kyle Ross
10 Abigail Rosterman
10 Sai Teja Sake
10 Saral Sapkota
10 Luciana Sarabia
10 Samuel Saunders
10 Evan Scholten
10 Prashika Sijapati
10 Sheamus Sinnott
10 Joslyn Smith
10 Mia Speranza
10 Kaleb Stamp
10 Samuel Steffen
10 Amina Teri
10 Parker Thomas
10 Madilyn Tillman
10 Jett Tingelhoff
10 Hannah Tran
10 Johnny Tran
10 Isaiah Trauernicht
10 Shumon Uddin
10 Alayna Vaughn
10 Daniela Vazquez Diaz
10 Sydney Wallace
10 Emma Whalen
10 Tyson Whorlow
10 Chayton Williams
10 Brandon Wiltse
10 Alexis Wright
10 Argos Zhang
10 Jordan Zielinski
11 Keira Agbekponou
11 Austin Allen
11 Jayla Alvarez
11 Dylan Asmus
11 Eleanor Asuncion
11 Kiley Aurich
11 Mya Bauer
11 Jasmyn Bergstrom
11 Yasmin Binte Sharil
11 Logan Bird
11 Mallorie Black
11 Cole Bonoan
11 Reese Booth
11 Charlie Bork
11 Delaney Bott
11 Gracie Brettmann
11 Tessa Brickell
11 Delaney Briganti
11 Madilyn Burke
11 Luke Butler
11 Ashlyn Caniglia
11 Ellie Cannon
11 Quinn Carney
11 Ujjwal Chaudhary
11 Courtney Christo
11 Aidan Clarys
11 Caleb Coe
11 Peyton Collins
11 Devin Connolly
11 Ryan Cooney
11 Sydney Dallegge
11 Molly Dineen
11 Ethan Douglas
11 Colby Driever
11 Cole Dryak
11 Allyson Dutoit
11 Allyson Dworak
11 Aidan Ettleman
11 Macy Falconer
11 Tyson Fancher
11 Lucille Flaherty
11 Preston Gordman
11 James Graham
11 Kendall Grasmick
11 Jett Grossart
11 Courtney Hagestad
11 Selah Halweg
11 Madeleine Harrison
11 Emma Hartnett
11 Aidan Hernandez
11 Owen Hess
11 Mya Hibbard
11 Alyssa Higgins
11 Sophia Hill
11 Duh Hnem
11 Elisabeth Hoegemeyer
11 Amanda Hoffman
11 Chadwick Houser
11 Nyla Jalali
11 Aubrey Jarecke
11 Koral Jarzynka
11 Grace Jesske
11 Ava Johnson
11 Arnav Karki
11 Julia Karmazin
11 Pawel Kissel
11 Aidan Kloster
11 Elena Koske
11 Lucia Krings
11 Tytus Kunz
11 Swade Lamb
11 Ellie Lary
11 Abigail Leatherman
11 Keighlin Leth
11 Starr Limbeck
11 Kallie Lindquist
11 Conner Lindquist
11 Lillian Loghry
11 Joshua Longua
11 Oliver Lucoff
11 Jada Mack
11 Murphy Maloney
11 Brock Marler
11 Anna Martin
11 Addyson Maxell
11 Seth McGill
11 Julia McGill
11 Lacy Mehaffey
11 Ryan Mensch
11 Shea Meridith
11 Sophia Messineo
11 Reily Miller
11 Kenzie Mockelstrom
11 Tristan Monaghan-Sova
11 McKenna Murphy
11 Logan Nguyen
11 Colin Nowaczyk
11 Mason Oehm
11 Adam Olijnek
11 Ella Osten
11 Ellen Owen
11 Reagan Pearson
11 Benjamin Perrotto
11 Anthony Perrotto
11 Ashley Phillips
11 Payton Pignotti
11 Ryker Pithan
11 Sophia Preister
11 Halle Pribnow
11 Jay Price
11 Britt Prince
11 Fiona Quigley
11 Eva Reinoehl
11 Mallory Ringenberg
11 Nolan Robinson
11 Riley Rohe
11 Zane Roundy
11 Taylor Ruma
11 Maya Schmeeckle
11 Bodie Sellmeyer
11 Eli Shada
11 Austen Shirley
11 Nathan Sila
11 Jack Sinnott
11 Sharlan Skrupa
11 Sarah Spencer
11 Ava Spies
11 Jeriah Station
11 Samantha Stern
11 Sydney Stodden
11 Alyssa Stone
11 Charles Story
11 Jakob Sullivan
11 Benjamin Sullivan
11 Christopher Thiessen
11 Samuel Thomas
11 Austin Thomas
11 Alexander Troia
11 Jake Tuttle
11 Alexandria Uhler
11 Brandon Urbano
11 Isabella Vera
11 Cayden Vipond
11 Ellen Wagner
11 Kaitlyn Wagner
11 Kaylee Warnsing
11 Isabel Warren
11 Amya Warren
11 Emi Wesselmann
11 Emma Willcoxon
11 Haylee Wolf
12 Reese Aliano
12 Ian Armbrust
12 Abigail Baker
12 Alexandra Ball
12 Karim Bernal
12 Tara Binte Sharil
12 Rio Bischof
12 Braden Borchers
12 Tara Carrier
12 Zachary Christiansen
12 Charlotte Christo
12 Piper Connelly
12 Keller Cox
12 Meghan Cunningham
12 Claranne Davies
12 Owen Davis
12 Dillon Drew
12 Nathan Dull
12 Imron Ergashev
12 Kyler Evans
12 Jacob Ford
12 Kara Frahm
12 Alec Franksmann
12 Joseph Gima
12 Gracie Glass
12 Morgan Going
12 Finley Gragert
12 Zabi Hadi
12 Aiden Haight
12 Emma Hanke
12 Kyler Hanson
12 Samuel Hanson
12 Drew Harper
12 Ryan Harrahill
12 Jacob Hassler
12 Natalie Haun
12 Grace Heaney
12 Garrett Heaney
12 Ava Hearty
12 Abigail Heaton
12 Olivia Heinisch
12 William Hendryx
12 Alicia Hernandez
12 Jacob Horner
12 Kailey Hrbek
12 Emily Huff
12 Sadie Jacobson
12 Wells Johnson
12 Maizy Jones
12 Sydney Keller
12 Cole Keller
12 Raeanna LaFleur
12 Alissa Lake
12 Levi Larson
12 Jackson Laughlin
12 Ella Lucey
12 Samiyah Maskati
12 Maia McArdle
12 Madison McCollum
12 Cameron Mead
12 Collin Meisinger
12 Jaiden Mencke
12 Emily Miller
12 Isaiah Miller
12 Donald Moore
12 Ava Murphy
12 Hannah Nadgwick
12 Vivian Nelson
12 Teresa Nguyen
12 Joseph Norman
12 Samuel Norman
12 Kaitlyn O’Brien
12 Lauren Ohlendorf
12 McKenna Ostler
12 Tate Patterson
12 Khang Pham
12 Caleb Polking
12 Jonah Priebe
12 Zachary Protaskey
12 Madiha Qulagi
12 John Radicia
12 David Ramirez-Huerta
12 Carson Reinhardt
12 Katelyn Revers
12 Zachary Robinson
12 Haley Rohrig
12 Safal Sapkota
12 Nicholas Schlott
12 Freshta Seddiqi
12 Cole Sharar
12 Claire Simones
12 Megan Sorensen
12 Hailey Sprowls
12 Taylor Steffes
12 Mia Steiger
12 Kathryn Stover
12 Bridget Swan
12 Grace Tanner
12 Grace Thompson
12 Nicholas Trofholz
12 Dylan Vogt
12 Jadon Webster
12 Harrison Weddell
12 Matthew Winters
12 Christian Young

Exchange Club of Omaha Outstanding Sophomore of the Year

Peyton Meyer, daughter of Jenny and Josh Meyer, was recently selected as the Exchange Club of Omaha Outstanding Sophomore of the Year at Elkhorn North High School. Candidates were nominated by their teachers, completed an application with their student achievements and an essay on why they are a leader in their school, community, and world.  

Congratulations Peyton!