2023-24 Back to School Information

We hope your summer has been enjoyable, and we are looking forward to welcoming your child(ren) to school on August 15, 2023! The following information will be beneficial as we look to the start of the 2023-2024 school year.  Please review the information in-depth to ensure all requested tasks are completed.

Online Registration
EPS utilizes an online registration system for parents of returning students in grades K-12 to update information and complete all Back-to-School registration information.  To use this feature, parents/guardians need access to a PowerSchool parent account.  If you do not have a parent PowerSchool account, instructions for creating one can be found at https://bit.ly/EPSps1.  On Tuesday, August 1, you will receive an email from PowerSchool alerting you to the opening of the Online Registration process.  If you are unable to access your PowerSchool parent account or do not receive the email on August 1, please contact your child’s school for assistance. 

Please note that we are continuing to clean up our contact database which includes consolidating duplicate parent and emergency contact entries.  Knowing that, please make sure that only your student(s) is connected to your PowerSchool account.  If you notice anything irregular about your PowerSchool account, please contact your school.  As part of this process, we will also require all parent/guardian contacts to include a middle name or middle initial moving forward.

*Students, including all Preschool and Kindergarten students, who completed the New Student Registration process will not receive an email regarding the opening of Online Registration as they do not need to redo the online registration process.* 

Athletics Registration
All EPS middle and high schools utilize rSchool for athletics registration. To complete this process, please visit  https://elkhornps-ar.rschooltoday.com/. If you have any questions or need assistance with Athletics registration, please contact your assigned high school’s Athletics Department.  

*Online athletics registration must be completed by the first day of practice in order to be able to participate.*

Online Payments
EPS uses SchoolPay for online payment of activity fees, device coverage, lunch funds, and other payments.  Instructions for creating an account and using SchoolPay can be found here: https://bit.ly/EPSpay

*Note: Payment for Device Coverage must be received no later than September 1 or coverage will not be provided.

Meal Information and Free/Reduced Applications
EPS also partners with SchoolPay for student lunch accounts.  To add funds, go to www.schoolpay.com and log into your user account.  If you do not yet have a SchoolPay account, instructions to create one can be found by clicking here.

Breakfast and lunch prices for the 2023-2024 school year are as follows:


  • Elementary: $1.75
  • Middle School: $1.95
  • High School: $2.15


  • Elementary: $2.80
  • Middle School: $3.50
  • High School: $3.65

Additionally, a free and reduced lunch application must be submitted in order to receive free/reduced meal prices and the additional benefits that can be provided to families who qualify.  Instructions for completing online or hard-copy applications can be found at https://www.elkhornweb.org/parents/lunch/.  A hard copy of the application can be found attached to this email. Families who qualify for free/reduced meals may also request the waiving of student fees by completing the waiver application found at this link or hard-copy waiver forms are also available in your school’s office.

Free/Reduced Lunch Application 

Free/Reduced Lunch Application (Spanish)

Parent-paid Accident Insurance
EPS offers optional parent-paid accident insurance if a family chooses to elect such coverage.  Information on this coverage can be found attached to this email.

Accident Insurance Information 

Accident Insurance Information (Spanish)


2022-23 4th Quarter Honor Roll

The following students have been recognized as having earned placement on the Honor Roll for the 4th quarter of the 2022-23 school year:

Last Name First Name Grade
Ahrens Mila 6
Alexander Evelyn 6
Alexander Brianna 6
Amin Aariz 6
Bangera Avni 6
Bannister Regan 6
Bausch Lauryn 6
Bhowmick Aditri 6
Bista Sohum 6
Bodyfield Avery 6
Bossert Kruz 6
Bossert Alexandra 6
Bruckner Levi 6
Buchupalli Saisha 6
Callaway Jack 6
Carter Alexa 6
Castillo Alvaro 6
Castro Lia 6
Cepek Lelia 6
Cera Peter 6
Coler Capri 6
Coon Levi 6
Coon Owen 6
Damme Caleb 6
Dosseh Adric 6
Dyer Graham 6
Eaton Koenn 6
Elbana Mahmoud 6
Ellis Jacob 6
Falcone Cooper 6
Farrens Ashlyn 6
Fitch Ariana 6
Francis Drew 6
Friedrichsen Elise 6
Fries Lucy 6
Griffiths Elijah 6
Hamilton Nathan 6
Hasemann Raegan 6
Holiday Addison 6
Homberger Drew 6
Hudson Imani 6
Janssen Jett 6
Jenkins Connor 6
Johnson Amira 6
Jones Makenna 6
Kapraun Skye 6
Keisling Riley 6
Kinsel Nolan 6
Koch Evan 6
Kottmann Brooks 6
Lattimore Lily 6
Lohrenz Grayson 6
McCarron Grace 6
Metz Ameena 6
Meyer Kathryn 6
Meyer Hayden 6
Moody Harrison 6
Myers Noa 6
Neal Ella 6
Nietfeldt Jacob 6
Nuss-Ocken Lukas 6
Ohlrich Luca 6
O’Neil Madison 6
Owen Elizabeth 6
Pauletto Gabriel 6
Peters Connor 6
Phillipps Greyson 6
Pinaire Bowden 6
Polking Kaitlyn 6
Poss Brooklynn 6
Robla Cicily 6
Rodenbough Maggie 6
Rosenbaum Jax 6
Saunders Kate 6
Severa Riley 6
Stilley Charles 6
Sur Kyrielle 6
Tower Jackson 6
Tuch Colin 6
Vannoy Landon 6
Warnsing Payton 6
Wilson Jacob 6
Winchester Nolan 6
Ziebell Anna 6
Ajai Ethan 7
Alexander Ireland 7
Alhemayyed Liane 7
Bae Ashlyn 7
Bila-Lambert Berklie 7
Blank-Jimenez Braxtyn 7
Bossert Knox 7
Brown Alex 7
Bryan Reese 7
Carraher Quade 7
Crask Nolan 7
Crouch Bentli 7
Cruz Bea 7
Curry Chloe 7
Debuse Camryn 7
Denney Lillian 7
Edwards Anna 7
Ellis Kayleigh 7
Farrington Eva 7
Farrington Nora 7
Farrington Parks 7
Fredrickson Amanda 7
Garst Kynzie 7
Grossart Kamri 7
Gupta Aarna 7
Haiar Harper 7
Hargrave Peyton 7
Harrie Kaden 7
Hasley Luke 7
Hess Andrew 7
Hoegemeyer Maria 7
Hood Jacob 7
Hoogeveen Klara 7
Horeis Makena 7
Intravartolo Maddalena 7
Jones Meredith 7
King Sydney 7
Knoell Mason 7
Koles Khloe 7
Kraska Griffin 7
Lane Cooper 7
Larson Eli 7
Leatherman Madelyn 7
Li Jonathan 7
Maxwell Kate 7
Mehaffey Ellie 7
Meissner Isaac 7
Meyer Drew 7
Meyer Emma 7
Pappas Keegan 7
Pearson Peyton 7
Pearson Andrew 7
Pierson Jack 7
Rai Parth 7
Ritz Caliyah 7
Sa’ed Michael 7
Sherman Sofia 7
Sidders Channing 7
Snyder William 7
Spaan Clara 7
Stumpf Kara 7
Sudhakaran Nirmal Kumar 7
Sultonov Sulton 7
Talman Mia 7
Teri Anasia 7
Thoreen Ellyana 7
Truitt Taylor 7
Vyhnalek Harry 7
Wagner Elizabeth 7
Wagner Thomas 7
Whaley Madison 7
Wilson MiLan 7
Agbekponou Craidon 8
Brocker Christopher 8
Brown Parker 8
Buck Jacob 8
Carbullido Carter 8
Carbullido Joaquin 8
Chalise Abinash 8
Clements Kenley 8
Clinkinbeard Katherine 8
Coler Camry 8
Dahlstrom Avery 8
Dalke Ava 8
Dalrymple Claire 8
Damme Rayna 8
Dhulipala Sreekar 8
Ford Noah 8
Franco Sam 8
Gaboury Catelyn 8
Garcia Lucy 8
Gunzvenzve Nyasha 8
Hearn Logan 8
Hewitt Alexis 8
Hoegemeyer Sofia 8
Horeis Maximus 8
Huff Kaitlyn 8
Hutchinson Ava 8
Johnson Beckett 8
Jones Gabrielle 8
Keenan Zachary 8
Lucero Makenna 8
Lucey Cameron 8
Malik Morgan 8
McCollum Emily 8
Mesa Aanya 8
Nelson Samantha 8
Owen Aiden 8
Pauletto KayLynn 8
Petersen Mason 8
Peterson Carter 8
Poss Blake 8
Pribnow Cade 8
Provaznik Zachary 8
Robson Lillian 8
Rowe Dekker 8
Schneider Addison 8
Sealock Diana 8
Seger Jackson 8
Shada Andrew 8
Sharar Carly 8
Smith Olivia 8
Teschner Isabella 8
Thomas Christopher 8
Tian Joseph 8
Vemula Chaitralapana 8
Waszak Ella 8
Wille Pierce 8
Wolfe Zachary 8
Wollen Tyler 8
Ziebell Mason 8

2022-2023 Last Student Day Information

The last student day of the 2022-2023 school year will be Wednesday, May 24, 2023. This is a change to the currently posted calendar given only two inclement weather days. To review calendar development processes, please visit https://bit.ly/3vfExro.

Additional dismissal details are as follows:

Tuesday, 5/23
High School: 12:55 pm Dismissal
Middle School: Normal Day 3:20 pm Dismissal
Elementary School: Normal Day 3:06 pm Dismissal
Preschool: Normal Day AM & PM Sessions (Last Day for PM Preschool Session)

Wednesday, 5/24
High School: 11:45 am Dismissal
Middle School: 11:30 am Dismissal
Elementary School: 11:30 am Dismissal
Preschool: AM Session 10:30 Dismissal & NO PM Session

Approved calendars for future school years can be found here for reference and planning.

2022-23 3rd Quarter Honor Roll

The following students have been recognized as having earned placement on the Honor Roll for the 3rd quarter of the 2022-23 school year:

Student Name Grade Level
Brianna Alexander 6
Aariz Amin 6
Regan Bannister 6
Alexandra Bossert 6
Jack Callaway 6
Alexa Carter 6
Alvaro Castillo 6
Lelia Cepek 6
Peter Cera 6
Koenn Eaton 6
Mahmoud Elbana 6
Jacob Ellis 6
Cooper Falcone 6
Drew Francis 6
Elise Friedrichsen 6
Elijah Griffiths 6
Nathan Hamilton 6
Jett Janssen 6
Makenna Jones 6
Nolan Kinsel 6
Brooks Kottmann 6
Grayson Lohrenz 6
Keaton Meredith 6
Ameena Metz 6
Hayden Meyer 6
Kathryn Meyer 6
Jacob Nietfeldt 6
Madison O'Neil 6
Luca Ohlrich 6
Gabriel Pauletto 6
Connor Peters 6
Maggie Rodenbough 6
Kate Saunders 6
Jaxon Smidt 6
Nolan Winchester 6
Ireland Alexander 7
Berklie Bila-Lambert 7
Nolan Crask 7
Bentli Crouch 7
Chloe Curry 7
Camryn Debuse 7
Lillian Denney 7
Anna Edwards 7
Kayleigh Ellis 7
Sloan Farrell 7
Parks Farrington 7
Mason Ferry 7
Brynn Francis 7
Joshua Franzen 7
Amanda Fredrickson 7
Liza Gross 7
Kamri Grossart 7
Aarna Gupta 7
Kaden Harrie 7
Luke Hasley 7
Sean Hipsher 7
Jacob Hood 7
Klara Hoogeveen 7
Makena Horeis 7
Meredith Jones 7
Nityasri Killana 7
Sydney King 7
Mason Knoell 7
Khloe Koles 7
Griffin Kraska 7
Cooper Lane 7
Jonathan Li 7
Grace Maeser 7
Kate Maxwell 7
Ella Ott 7
Keegan Pappas 7
Andrew Pearson 7
Peyton Pearson 7
Caliyah Ritz 7
Michael Sa'ed 7
Clara Spaan 7
Mia Talman 7
Ellyana Thoreen 7
Joshua Volk 7
Thomas Wagner 7
Samuel Weland 7
Jackson Williams 7
MiLan Wilson 7
Peyton Bebermeyer 8
Christopher Brocker 8
Riley Broshar 8
Parker Brown 8
Jacob Buck 8
Carter Carbullido 8
Aiden Cera 8
Abinash Chalise 8
Kenley Clements 8
Katherine Clinkinbeard 8
Avery Dahlstrom 8
Ava Dalke 8
Claire Dalrymple 8
Kaden Ellis 8
Sam Franco 8
Catelyn Gaboury 8
Lucy Garcia 8
Nyasha Gunzvenzve 8
Logan Hearn 8
Alexis Hewitt 8
Sofia Hoegemeyer 8
Shaniya Howard 8
Ava Hutchinson 8
Zachary Keenan 8
Cameron Lucey 8
Emily McCollum 8
Simon Murphy 8
Safir Nasulloev 8
Samantha Nelson 8
Mason Petersen 8
Carter Peterson 8
Blake Poss 8
Cade Pribnow 8
Lillian Robson 8
Dekker Rowe 8
Olivia Smith 8
Chaitralapan 8
a Vemula 8
Ella Waszak 8
Zachary Wolfe 8
Mason Ziebell 8

Parent/Teacher Conferences to be Held February 14-15

Parent/teacher conferences for all EPS buildings will be held on Tuesday, February 14, and Wednesday, February 15, 2023.  Time frames by grade level are listed below.  For building-specific information, please refer to your building principal’s most recent newsletter.

Grades K-5: 3:00 -6:30 PM
Grades 6-8: 4:00 – 7:30 PM
Grades 9-12: 4:30 – 8:00 PM

Additionally, there will be no school for EPS students on Thursday, February 16, and Friday, February 17, 2023.