Summer Athletics and Activities Camps

We hope that you are excited about the many opportunities for athletic and activity skills development being offered this summer. The list below provides information about summer athletic and activity camps being hosted by an EPS coach or sponsor as related to his/her duties within the school district.

2025 Offerings

February 12, 2025 – Parent-Teacher Conferences

EPS Families,

Due to weather conditions, all classes for Wednesday, February 12, 2025 will be canceled.  Additionally, parent-teacher conferences scheduled for tomorrow night (2/12/25) will also be canceled.  Notably, parent-teacher conference schedules for tonight (2/11/2025) remain unchanged.

EPS is committed to ensuring that parents receive the information that was planned to be shared during these conferences.  Therefore, if you were planning to attend tomorrow night, please see the information below for guidance.

  • Elementary:  Your child’s teacher will reach out to reschedule your conference to be held at a mutually agreed-upon time. Please watch for an email from him/her.   Rescheduled conferences can occur in person, via Zoom, or by phone call.  If you wish to meet with another teacher at the school, you are welcome to reach out to that teacher directly to set up a conference.  If you need contact information for a specific teacher, please visit your school’s website, click the “Teacher Sites” tab, then click the specific teacher’s name to send an email.
  • Middle School: Parents who are able to attend tonight are encouraged to do so.  If you are unable to attend tonight and wish to schedule a conference, please reach out to individual teachers directly.  If you need contact information for a specific teacher, please visit your school’s website, click the “Contact” tab, then “Staff”, and click the specific teacher’s name to send an email.
  • High School: Parents who are able to attend tonight are encouraged to do so.  If you are unable to attend tonight and wish to schedule a conference, please reach out to individual teachers directly. If you need contact information for a specific teacher, please visit your school’s website, click the “Contact” tab, then “Staff”, and click the specific teacher’s name to send an email.


Thank you for your patience and flexibility.
Stay safe and warm!

EPS to Host “Trauma-Informed Care” Presentation

Elkhorn Public Schools will host a parent-education event on Trauma Informed Care, presented by Complete Wellness, on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, at 6:30 PM at Elkhorn High School (1401 Veterans Drive).

It is estimated that 70% of all adults will experience a traumatic event in their lifetime, and it is further estimated that roughly 2 out of every 3 children will have trauma exposure by the time they reach adulthood.   Complete Wellness owners and licensed clinicians, Krista Anderson, Mary Byrd and Tyler Byrd, have provided trauma-informed care to youth and families since the early 2000s, and they aim to provide families with information on enhancing trauma-informed care. Please join us for a 45-minute informational presentation addressing trauma-informed care. The presentation will equip parents with a better understanding of trauma and PTSD, common trauma responses and physiological impacts, and skills to regulate emotions in order to reduce unwanted symptoms.

This presentation will be free and open to the public, and childcare will be provided. To assist with planning, please register to attend by clicking here.

About Complete Wellness: 

From L-R: Complete Wellness owners K. Anderson, T. Byrd, and M. Byrd

From L-R: Complete Wellness owners K. Anderson, T. Byrd, and M. Byrd

Complete Wellness is a collection of licensed mental health providers specializing in the care and treatment of individuals. Our team of mental health providers has decades of experience working with trauma, anxiety, depression, and a wide range of other presenting concerns. It is our mission to build mental health through mind, body and spirit.

Complete Wellness believes that one’s health is truly complete through the connection of mind, body, and spirit.  The mission of Complete Wellness is to provide exceptional care centered on allowing individuals to achieve a fulfilled mental, emotional, and physical life.  Complete Wellness aims to support each person in finding their fullest potential through active commitment in their personal health journey.  Complete Wellness strives to continue building a completely healthy community under the belief that empowering one empowers many.





2024-25 2nd Quarter Honor Roll

The following students have been recognized as having earned placement on the Honor Roll for the 2nd quarter of the 2024-25 school year:

Last Name, First Name Grade Level
Abramson-Wiles, Mia Grace 9
Agbaglo, Andjovi 9
Agnew, Colin Davis 9
Akbari, Ahmad Shikeb 9
Andersen, Emily Suzanne 9
Andersen, Vanna Celine Jackie 9
Anderson, Ava Marie 9
Anzalone, Gianna Rose 9
Arnold, Amelia Mae 9
Assmann, Logan John 9
Avezi, Shukrona 9
Ayoub, Nathan David 9
Baylor, Emersyn Marie 9
Becker, Silas Cole 9
Belcher, Mckenna Ryan 9
Bennett, Cara Breann 9
Berendes, Cruz Gerald 9
Bergman, Rylee Adalynn 9
Bhanukiran, Vishruth 9
Bilek, Dominic Richard 9
Binbuga, Cem 9
Borkowski, Aubrey Brooke 9
Bowers, Layla Ito 9
Braithwaite, Kailyn Mae 9
Brandt, Kaylee Elizabeth 9
Brewer, Mia Christina 9
Brown, Patrick Riley 9
Bryant, Mya Mahala 9
Burkoski, Hana Riley 9
Buzzell, Sophia Louise 9
Camp, Finley Robert 9
Campos Kingston, Camila Aleli 9
Candy, Tyler James 9
Carson-Koestner, Maclin Grace 9
Chaplin, Bryson Brooks 9
Charvat, Emma Rose 9
Cheatle, Emmett Joshua 9
Chock, Kawika Masaru Ji Cheong 9
Clements, Miracle Christian 9
Cohn, Levi Jeffrey 9
Collette, Lauren Halle 9
Conkey, Hunter Ben 9
Cotten, Layla Anne 9
DeAngelis, Massimo Joseph 9
Deaton, Ryleigh Ann 9
Dimon, Jenna Elizabeth 9
Dixon, Joshua Alejandro 9
Dubberly, Reese Arinn 9
Dubrow, Jason David 9
Eickman, William Garrison 9
Eikmeier, Kreyton Aj 9
Ekbote, Maya Shalini 9
Elliott, Asher Dean 9
Ellsworth, Stella Teresa 9
Epstein, Lilly Grace 9
Falcone, Tyler Stone 9
Feeney, Jack James 9
Fichter, Ava Marie 9
Finnegan, Andrew Marshall 9
Fitzgibbon, Hadley Ann 9
Flynn, Molly Anne 9
Foertsch, Avery Joanna 9
Foster, Layla Jane Elizabeth 9
Frans, Cora Lee 9
Frey, Carter James Edward 9
Fripp-Hall, Aniyah Marie 9
Gallegos, Theodore Andres 9
Gallinger, Caylee Jo 9
Garlinghouse, Tristan James 9
Goeser, Finlee Kayte 9
Gorup, Markus Alexander 9
Grennan, Jack Edward 9
Grennan, Olivia Faye 9
Gupta, Maahi 9
Haas, Caroline Cecilia 9
Haggerty, Fulton Dennis 9
Hain, Maya Grace 9
Hammond, Charlotte Reese 9
Hansen, Johnathan Steven 9
Hartle, Kinley Dawn 9
Harwart, Renee Isabella 9
Hatch, Anna Elizabeth 9
Hernandez, Diego Romano 9
Hoeft, Campbell Sophia 9
Holtsapfel, Renat 9
Hoppe, Samuel Henry 9
Hoskinson, Jake Christian 9
Houng, McCaden Dee 9
Hu, Evelyn Kehan 9
Huddleston, Elise Rose 9
Hunt, Anderson Jack Steenson 9
Hunt, Harrison Howland 9
Hunt, Levi Gerald 9
Hurley, Nolan Thomas 9
Ilchenko, Bohdan 9
Islam, Samirul 9
John, Reece Andrew 9
Johnston, Lily Jo 9
Junior, Sophi Claire 9
Kadavy, Marco David 9
Kaiser, Rylan Jacob 9
Kantheti, Saanvi 9
Karmazin, Maddox Joseph 9
Khots, Aleksandr Dmitriy 9
Knudsen, Kira Josephine 9
Knudsen, Miya Roselinn 9
Knutson, Camden Leah 9
Knutson, Riley Maria 9
Kuhne, Hunter Brooks 9
Kumke, Lyndsey Olive 9
Kutz, Easton Charles 9
LaMantia, Jaden Michael 9
Lawrence, Avery Victoria 9
Lawrence, Carson David 9
Lombardi, Gabriela Garcia 9
Lucoff, Makayla Lynn 9
Mandava, Sankeirth Dutt 9
Mannel, Mackenzie Lynn 9
Marsh, Aubrey Ann 9
Martinez, Evie Marie 9
Masteller, Quintessa James 9
Mawson, Jackson Scott 9
Mazzuca, Gabriella Rose 9
McAlexander, Kaitlyn Michelle 9
McAllister, Andrew Levi 9
McCoy, Maxwell Pierce 9
McFadden, Samantha Quinn 9
Meade, Nathan Atticus 9
Meader, Emily LeAnn 9
Merten, Addison Marie 9
Meyer, Caitlyn Marie 9
Michalski, Dane Michael 9
Miller, Alexandria Ryanne 9
Miller, Izabella Faith 9
Misek, Kyper Pace 9
Miszuk, Lauren Marissa 9
Mollak, Lola Faith 9
Moore, Joely Marcheline 9
Morehouse, Emersyn Debra 9
Morris, Jake Dylan 9
Mudrinich, Cole Robert 9
Munro, Claire Elaina 9
Mutrux, Molly Elizabeth 9
Nguyen, Jason Thai 9
Nolan, Monica Eve 9
Nosbish, Crew Michael 9
Ogren, Elijah Dean 9
Olsen, Savannah Jean 9
Olsufka, Natalie Paige 9
Ostapuik, Khrystyna 9
Pandharpurkar, Aishwarya Kalyani 9
Patera, Macie Elizabeth 9
Perez, Chloe Charlotte 9
Perez, Sebastian 9
Peters, Ella Marie 9
Peterson, Samuel Lee 9
Pettinger, Ava Elizabeth 9
Quinn, Caroline Louisa 9
Rai, Nina Sarita 9
Rehtmeyer, Jackson Shaw 9
Reiser, Molly Catherine 9
Robinson, Graeme Scott 9
Rodriguez, Clara Jay 9
Rogge, Carson Milton 9
Rooker, Elizabeth Ruth 9
Rosa Gonzalez, Yordan 9
Rosendahl, Kadence Raelee 9
Rosenfels, Lola Josie Ann 9
Rosipal, Madison Lynn 9
Rotgers, AnDru Carson 9
Rueschenberg, Ashton Thomas 9
Sackett, Emma Marie 9
Safranek, Saige Nalani Celeste 9
Sandeen, Elizabeth Anne 9
SantaMaria, Sophia Giuliana 9
Scarsi, Madeline Margo 9
Schieber, Liv Conley 9
Schneider, Macy Jane 9
Schneidewind, Camryn Paige 9
Schooley, Kaeson Lantz 9
Schuchman, Sadie Elaine 9
Schumacher, Mitchell James 9
Schwarz, Tatum Alexa 9
Seavey, Inara Somanas Sermchief 9
Sedlacek, Ajax Daniel 9
Shi, Claire 9
Shu, Emily Yuting 9
Shumway, Jenevi Anne 9
Sim, Hohyeon Orin 9
Skibinski, Lauren Ann 9
Smith, Cooper Wayne 9
Sneller, Jacoby Joseph 9
So, Hyunjune 9
Sonderman, Ellie Marie 9
Stadig, Hope Elise 9
Steckelberg, Sophia Grace 9
Steen, Kaden Cameron 9
Stephens, Emersyn Rose 9
Stolp, Aubrey Rose 9
Swenson, Luke Ryan 9
Szymanski, Juan Carlos 9
Tao, April Pei 9
Tarr, Brooklyn Lili 9
Tayles, Libby Maree 9
Theobald, Isla Kristine 9
Thomas, Kynlee Logan 9
Thomas, Logan Ira 9
Thota, Adheep Reddy 9
Tiller, Reagan Frances 9
Torres, Zadie Ray 9
Tran, Everest Alexandria 9
Tripathi, Srijan Kaushal 9
Vacek, Evelyn Claire 9
Valasek, Luke Matthew 9
Van Houten, Jaesha Rainn 9
Vandersnick, Evan Douglas 9
Vosoughi, Daniel Arshan 9
Vuorela, Madison Katherine 9
Walker, Mason David 9
Walling, Drake Phineas 9
Wang, Camilla Kemo 9
Wanzek, Katherine Margaret 9
Warren, Brandt Thomas 9
White, Samuel Tinstman 9
Wilderman, Tyler James 9
Wong, Lillian Jane 9
Yang, Sami K 9
Zakrzewski, Burklee Lauren 9
Zhu, Xinle Lily 9
Bradley, Olivia S Scout 10
Jononvan, Isaac Bayasgalan 10
Shipman, Mason Alexander 10
Coppersmith, Chance James 10
Englund, Kemper Steele 10
Fleming, Gabriel Kayne 10
Fuller, Elliana Elizabeth 10
Jackson, Isabelle Fay 10
Krause, Bennett Joseph 10
McFerrin, Calie Grayce 10
Niang, Ibrahima Dennis 10
Parker, Ashlee Nichole-Laveda 10
Read, Scarlett Frances 10
Rogers, Mackenzie Kay 10
Schaben, Colton Alexander 10
Schultz, Isabelle Grace 10
Varma, Anjana Sree 10
Volzke, Grace Muriel 10
Wade, Aubrey Jeanne 10
Qaderi, Mursal 10
Clark, Kennedy Alexa 10
Eppenbaugh, Caitlin Marie 10
Hempel, Brooke Morrissey 10
Kolb, Maryclare Margaret 10
Kolli, Sai Vishnutej 10
Scardina, Averi Jo 10
Babcock, Stella Rose 10
Barr, Bret Julian 10
Barton, Cole Alpha 10
Beyer, Lea Aileen 10
Cotten, John Tyler 10
Dombrosky, Leyton Wilson 10
Faimon, Bo Alexander 10
Halm, Brady Lewis 10
Hill, Cooper Michael 10
Hwang, Avery Beck 10
Kinney, Eli Hudson 10
Laub, Colton Ryan 10
Mettler, Grace Elizabeth 10
Orcutt, Hattie Angeline 10
Shenouda, Joshua Anton 10
Skaf, Rami 10
Songster, Ollie Jade 10
Spencer, Paityn Leigh 10
Valleley, Noah James 10
Wilczewski, Graham Patrick 10
Boggess, Olivia Claire 10
Mathis, Anna Maria 10
Oakey, Trinity Morgan 10
Savage, Brock Daniel 10
Surles, Sophie Bella 10
Tatmaniants, Volodymyr Mykhailovych 10
Larsen, Isabella Marie 10
Brown, Elena Ann 10
Christianson, Aidan Thomas 10
Cooper, Cameron Collin 10
Dickinson, Evelyn Jane 10
Dietrich, Peyton Elizabeth 10
Fitzgibbon, Hayden Sean 10
Geissinger, Kaiden Charles 10
Grace, Emery Louise 10
Green, Avery Nicole 10
Johnston, Hannah Kate 10
Longnecker, Ella Hazel 10
McMahon, Conner Ryan 10
Mehmood, Marwa 10
Meier, Macy Ann 10
Nelson, Reagan Lynne 10
Sharma, Pranjal 10
Slosson, Sophia Marie 10
Stone, Cohen Charles 10
Wall, Madison McKenzie 10
Wang, Hugo 10
Eberspacher, Haley Lin-Marie 10
Goedeken-Walhaug, Lillian Michelle Carrie 10
Josoff, Brooklyn Faith 10
Killeen, Brynn Elizabeth 10
Kucirek, Ethan James 10
Luthra, Samir 10
Park, Sunwoo 10
Peterson, Mia Elise 10
Reischl-O’Connell, Makinley Marie 10
Benes, Tristan Troy Daniel 10
Brown, Isabella Ann 10
Buller, Charles Andrew 10
Cahow, Addison Elise Kearns 10
Chowdhury, Almer Aziz 10
Felton, Porter James 10
Fitton, Morgan Marie 10
Gruwell, Mallory Danielle 10
Halladay, Italia Bella Victoria 10
Held, Aiden Riley 10
Henderson, Georgia Kay 10
Hoffman, Alexander Robert 10
Hustad, Abraham Rubin 10
Ingram, Kyler John 10
Jalali, Henna 10
Kullman, Kerrington Sue 10
Kumke, Alyssa Lorraine 10
Lackmann, Madelyn Rose 10
Mackie, Conor Ryan 10
Mehmood, Safa 10
Molettiere, Kenley Brooks 10
Mueller, Kayden Alan 10
Nielsen, Dax Eric 10
Pesek, Lauren Michelle 10
Phelps, Eleanor Cecilia 10
Pohlad, Boston John Roger 10
Probasco, Mollie Caroline 10
Benson, Hannah Marie 10
Heinz, Kale Thomas 10
McCoy, Lola Love 10
Mohs, Annelise Claire 10
Villont, Alexis Jon 10
Waddelow, Ryan James 10
Armitage, Annika Rose 10
Berliner, Samuel Joseph 10
Blount, Isabella Azizah 10
Bradley, Olivia G Grace 10
Chandler, Blake Patrice 10
Courtney, Elizabeth Ann 10
Donahue, Madison Luella 10
Eggen, Leah Noelle 10
Eilenstine, Reese Marie 10
Fischer, Nicholas Frederick 10
Franzluebbers, Sophia Elizabeth Ann 10
Garinger, Caroline Shiane 10
Hawks, Brayden Alexander 10
Hebenstreit, Jack Daniel 10
Holmes, Jordan Maureen 10
Husby, Grace Mae 10
Jackson, Alexis Anne 10
Judkins, Connor James 10
Kathol, Rachel Elizabeth 10
Keith, Parker Francis 10
Klein, Maggie Josephine 10
Kuhl, Delaney Arlene 10
Kutler, Vincent Matthew 10
Lill, Brayden Michael 10
Lingenfelter, Addison Kay 10
Marx, Riley Nicole 10
McCawley, Presley Rose 10
Murphy, Ericka Danielle 10
Nelson, Jaxon Allen 10
Newman, Owen Kent 10
Pechous, Maeve Catherine 10
Peterson, Aubree Rae 10
Robinson, Drake Lee 10
Rohrbach, Eva Leona 10
Rosenberg, Alexis Belle 10
Safford, Addison Reese 10
Sandeen, Joslyn Meckenzie-Marie 10
Stoller, Ashlyn Elizabeth 10
Stratton, Jocelyn Claire 10
Stumme, Elijah Conrad 10
Subhas, Anish 10
Sutko, Joslyn McKenna 10
Thomas, Luke William 10
Uttecht, Bryce Tyler 10
Valentin, Bianca Christine 10
Volk, Lillian Ella 10
Wagner, Alexis Mildred 10
Weaklend, Campbell Lauren 10
Whiteley, Thomas Craig 10
Willman, Kaitlyn Rose 10
Zein Elabdin, Rawan 10
Acosta-Trejo, Liam Carter 10
Applegarth, Nathan Bruce 10
Asiamah, Makayla Oye-Mamley 10
Balyk, Valeriia 10
Bernhard, Joseph Pierick 10
Cotton, Christopher Julian 10
Dobbertin, Delaney Elizabeth 10
Dubberly, Becca Ann 10
Hildebrand, Bradley Scott 10
Knipper, Emily Beth 10
Kozisek, Lucille Marie 10
Liu, Natalie Yunjiang 10
Mills, Maxwel Clifton 10
Rossman, Genevieve Elizabeth 10
Samuelson, Taylor William 10
Sharma, Samriddhi 10
Su, Angeli 10
Swartz, Rowan Nicole 10
Almquist, Grant Anders 10
Benjamin, Cecilia Marie 10
Brehm, Barrett Thomas 10
Castle, Raegan Leora 10
Caswell, Sarah Kathryn 10
Cohn, Sara Gabriella 10
Dittrick, William George 10
Dugger, Ethan Murray 10
Eisenman, Paxton Michael 10
Engdahl, Caitlin Elizabeth 10
Hodges, Brecken Ree Ann 10
Keber, Harper MaryAnne 10
Keber, Lincoln Jerome 10
Keiper, Lake Connor 10
Latacha, Nathan Thomas 10
Link, Zuri Rena 10
Manzitto, Enzo Frank 10
Martello, Alice 10
Morris, Ruby Marie 10
Nahimov, Dylan Alexander 10
Peterson, Ayla Ming 10
Peterson, Cooper Brad Lee 10
Peterson, Ella Renee 10
Pincock, Ethan Jeffrey 10
Plummer, Evan Andrew 10
Rewolinski, Samuel Baron 10
Rothe, Evangeline Grace 10
Spyers, Bennett Scott 10
Stallmann, McKenna Grace 10
Thompson, Evelyn Corrine 10
Thompson, Mackenzie Marie 10
Thornton, Ethan Jonathan 10
Tierney, John Rielly 10
Vermeer, Ethan Thomas 10
Weiss, Margaret Ainsley 10
Williams, Logan Alexander 10
Davis, Lindsey Jane 10
Goeller, Sebastian Andreas Peter 10
McGee, Sullivan Jeffrey Michael 10
Oarhe, Arielle Chinenye Ofure 10
Pappalil, Matthew Joseph 10
Parks, Camden Chase 10
Reddy, Athreya Siddappa 10
Stowe, Iyla Grace 10
Varma, Ajay Ravi 10
Zhu, Lucy Cheng 10
Borngrebe, Konnor Michael 10
Bratsburg, Lilja Karin 10
Casas, Isabel Grace 10
Haussler, Lincoln James 10
Johnson, Jacob Joaquin 10
Webb, Andrew Douglas 10
Athipatla, Jayanth 10
Fisher, Cohen David 10
Kulkarni, Vyoma Amit 10
O’Connor, Jake Thomas 10
Abagge Gomes Serrajordia De Mello, Felipe 11
Agarwalla, Manan Kumar 11
Alford, Bailey Grace 11
Askar, Grace Yasmine 11
Babias, Mara Claudia 11
Barnhart, Audrey Laurenne 11
Bartling, Cosette Claire 11
Bationo, Destiny Prisca Franckencia 11
Bationo, Trinity Maëlys Fidencia 11
Bayer, Kyle Emerson 11
Beavers, Kristopher Michael 11
Benson, Ashley Grace 11
Berryman, Betsy Rose 11
Berryman, Will Bowden 11
Bhakar, Aarav 11
Bilek, Zachary Joseph 11
Binbuga, Ali Kadim 11
Bode, Ellen Marie 11
Borgmann, Adeline Jane 11
Bradley, Jack Ryan Kobayashi 11
Bradley, Jacob Zane 11
Bradtmueller, Landen Thomas 11
Brammer, Cole William 11
Brewer, Tristan Michael 11
Brown, Alaina Kristine 11
Brown, Ellie Marie 11
Brunken, Ellie Jean 11
Bull, Reese Emma 11
Burke, Maurice James 11
Bustard, Samuel John 11
Buzzell, Sydney Marie 11
Campos Kingston, Elisa Nayeli 11
Carey, Kaeden Michael 11
Carson-Koestner, Zander David 11
Chae, Ryan Insung 11
Chaplin, Ellery Brooks 11
Chowdhury, Amaira Abedin 11
Chowdhury, Rehan 11
Christiansen, Stella Marie 11
Clatterbuck, Sara Kate 11
Cohn, Nicholas John 11
Coleman, Peyton James 11
Collette, Brady Ryan 11
Coltrain, Henry Bruce 11
Cradick, Hayden Bella 11
Cromer, Madison Jo 11
Deegan, Macallister Anne 11
Dickmeyer, Charles Andrew 11
Dickmeyer, Lawson Ryan 11
Diedrichsen, Ella Grace 11
Drazic, Garrick Joaquin 11
Eccleston, Griffin Andrew 11
Elliott, Khloe Ann 11
Ellsworth, Katelyn Susan 11
Farrell, Aidan Patrick 11
Feist, Caden Joseph 11
Ferzely, Sydney Lynn 11
Fichter, Joseph Dale 11
Flynn, Reese Ryan 11
Foral, Hudson Scott 11
Ford, Audrey McKenna 11
Foster, Luca Italia 11
Fowler, Ella Grace 11
Frazier, Alie Madison 11
Freeman, Haylee Jaymes 11
Friesen, Nora Elizabeth 11
Gallinger, Anna Rae 11
Garren, Dominic Lyle 11
Gerber, Olivia Morgan 11
Gerheauser, Daelynn Keith 11
Ghorpade, Asmita Anurag 11
Gillella, Shrimayi 11
Gillman, Bennet Patrick 11
Glock, Estelle Marie 11
Gollehon, Corbin Scott 11
Graeve, Ella Rose 11
Gragert, Addison Grace 11
Greufe, Alex John 11
Grier, Gillian Claire 11
Grinsteinner, Ethan Nathaniel 11
Hamilton, Ava Rae 11
Hammes, Zachary David 11
Hammond, Payton Nicole 11
Hauger, Jacob Joseph 11
Healy, Conor William 11
Hensley, Blake Ryan 11
Hinrichs, Kacie Dawn 11
Hooker, Jaideyn Marie 11
Hornbacher, Marin Grace 11
Hu, Abigail Xinyue 11
Huang, Jinyee Athena 11
Huber, Thomas Major 11
Huddleston, Oliver Smith 11
Hunsinger, Gretchen Claire 11
Inti, Thanishka Muni 11
Jensen, Emilie Louise 11
Jindra, Brody Alexander 11
Johnson, Spencer Anthony 11
Jordan, Mia Rose 11
Kaiser, Andrew James 11
Kakar, Mohammad Yaser 11
Kang, Rhana Liang 11
Karsten, Taylor Rae 11
Keiper, Blu Carly 11
Kernen, Bennett Thomas 11
Key, Sophia Bella 11
Kim, Sua 11
King, Austin Pate 11
Koepke, Maximus Christian 11
Krepela, Sophia Charley 11
Krueger, Addison Grace 11
Kuehn, Cadence Ann 11
Larsen, Charley Jane 11
Lee, Alyson Jeanette 11
Liggett, Sapphryn Odessah Orion 11
Lighthall, Lexi Kay 11
Lin, Ryan 11
Little, Logan Alexander 11
Loehr, Landon Mohsen 11
Lohmeier, Kansas Rose 11
Lowrance, Wyatt Alexander 11
Maboussou, Madeleine Patrice 11
Madott, Jake Daniel 11
Maglinger, Ryland James 11
Majerus, Chloe Emma 11
Marasco, Reegan Whitney 11
Marasco, Thea Katherine 11
Mattox, Haley Ann 11
McCoy, Zoe Estell 11
McDonald, Griffin James 11
McGrain, Kyra Rose 11
McHenry, Cameron Lou 11
McKenzie, Mollie Ann 11
McShannon, Kate Olivia 11
Mechals, Ethan Thu 11
Merten, Kyle James 11
Michaelis, William David 11
Minnich, Mitchell Willy 11
Mohankumar, Yazhini 11
Mohring, Joshua Michael 11
Mollak, Jaylee Hope 11
Moore, Mia Jacqueline 11
Muhs, Aiden John 11
Mumford, Ashtyn Renee 11
Murphy, Neve Sofia 11
Nguyen, Alex Thai 11
Nordaker, Isabelle Jean 11
O’Malley, Delaney Lauren 11
O’Mara, Quinn Mary 11
Obamwonyi, Andrea Eseosa 11
Ogren, Ashtyn Rose 11
Olsen, Teagan Rose 11
Orsini, Isabella Catherine 11
Ortmeier, Amelia JoAnn 11
Pandharpurkar, Esha Medha 11
Parker, Jacob Keith 11
Parr, Maisen Angeline 11
Parry, Cash Edward 11
Paulsen, Joshua Barrett 11
Pemberton, Isaac Lucas 11
Perrien, Cooper Shane 11
Pittack, Payton Elizabeth 11
Plagge, Ethan James 11
Rasmussen, Marlo Lyn 11
Rauner, Chloe Mackenzie 11
Reed, Lilly Diana 11
Reetz, Garet Andrew 11
Rich, Alexis Rose 11
Richardson, Melanie Noel 11
Rodriguez, Cristian Oswaldo 11
Rose, Harper Ann 11
Rutar, Savannah Jane 11
Sargent, Jaelyn Elizabeth 11
Savant, Kyara Ameet 11
Schlueter, Emma Lynn 11
Schmidt, Lillian Elizabeth 11
Schneeberger, Brandon Alexander 11
Schneider, Lauren Mae 11
Scholting, Elizabeth Kimber 11
Schroeder Chatters, Mikayla Lyn 11
Schuchman, Eli Friederich 11
Schumacher, Clarissa Kathleen 11
Seder, Kate Jacqueline 11
Semerad, Maxwell Donald 11
Serednytsky, Sofia Natalia 11
Shatel, Annamarie Jean 11
Shields, Wyatt Andrew 11
Shu, Sarah Yutong 11
Siebler, Brayden Edward 11
Skibinski, Ella Ann 11
Skudlarek, Faith Kathryn 11
Smoot, Liam Alexander 11
Stanek, Kaitlyn Noelle 11
Stave, Lauren Elizabeth 11
Stephanides, Emma Denise 11
Stigge, Ethan Matthew 11
Stracke, Sam Joseph 11
Stratton, Jillian Elaine 11
Straub, Aidan Henry 11
Sullivan, Maddy Mae 11
Sutko, Jaydon Micah 11
Swanson, Hayden River Thomas 11
Szymanski, Ana Victoria 11
Tackett, Brandon Wayne 11
Tarwater, Chase Jacob 11
Tendal, Jadyn Kay 11
Theobald, Brock Richard 11
Thiebauth, Addison Revere 11
Thomas, Luke Glen 11
Thomas, Ryan Richard 11
Tipp, Asher Samuel 11
Tontegode, Holden Michael 11
Tsai, Topher Jonas 11
Ulbrich, Riley Timothy 11
Uphoff, Caleb Christian 11
Vala, Kendall Madison 11
Vander Linden, Jack Ryan 11
Virus, Alyson Ann 11
Vollmuth, Samuel Christopher 11
Vondrak, Elizabeth Anne 11
Walter, Lucy Ann 11
Waszak, Aiden Benjamin 11
Weides, Alexis Catherine 11
Wherry, Alexander Edward 11
Whitten, Gavin A 11
Wiesenfeld, Jonathan David 11
Williamson, Chase Porter 11
Wohlers, Emerson Marie 11
Wu, Johnathan Ryan 11
Yang, Misty Aurora 11
Zemlicka, Jake Anthony 11
Zena, Taim 11
Zetterman, Brea Allison 11
Adamson, Blake Lewis 12
Agarwalla, Prisha 12
Allison, Braxton Blaze 12
Alloway, Kamryn Lee 12
Amory-Martinez, Leiliana Isyss 12
Anderson, Cooper Joseph 12
Applegarth, Logan Daniel 12
Arends, Garrett Levi 12
Arends, Madalynn Clair 12
Armstrong, Alianna Elizabeth 12
Aurit, Elizabeth Grace 12
Azimi, Heela 12
Balch, Gretchen Gail 12
Barker, Gabrielle Margaret 12
Barr, Brooke Allyson 12
Bartels, Maria Linn 12
Becker, Morgan Renae 12
Beermann, Madison Marie 12
Berger, Avelin Audre 12
Berliner, Brooks David 12
Bonwell, Anneka Grace 12
Borngrebe, Kalen Thomas 12
Boulden, Brooke Michelle 12
Braithwaite, Braelyn Marie 12
Brandt, Gabrielle Marie 12
Brase, Jordyn Ann 12
Brough, Lilly Grace 12
Brown, Eva Jean Suzanne 12
Brown, Nathan Patrick 12
Buderus, Emily Marie 12
Burchess, Isabelle Gloria 12
Burg, Aiden James 12
Burke, Aimee Elise 12
Burke, Elisabeth Kristine 12
Burkoski, Nate Owen 12
Cage, Sophie Lynn 12
Cain, Riley Andreya 12
Calese, Ava Noelle 12
Call, Christian Caden 12
Carver, Isaac Daniel 12
Caswell, Lucas Charles 12
Chaney, Reese Ellen 12
Chen, Haley Jia-Yu 12
Clark, Cadyn Rilee 12
Coltrain, Luke Daniel 12
Conklin, Jayden Elizabeth 12
Connealy, Nolan Timothy 12
Cooper, Alivia Kathleen 12
Cooper, Cal Jonas 12
Courtney, Hannah Bernadette 12
Curzon, Luke Kenneth 12
Czak, Emily Rowan 12
Davis, Lindsay Grace 12
DeLoach, Brayden Lee 12
DeMoss, Caiden Edward 12
Denton, Ava Kennedy 12
Devereaux, Tyler Andrew 12
Diers, Cayden James 12
Dippel, Jillian Naima 12
Donahue, Dylan Robert 12
Dorius, Luke Russell 12
Dunstan, Carter Rolf 12
Dzhavadova, Amina 12
Eads, Cole Stephenson 12
Eads, Jesse Eli 12
Eddie, Alexa Roseann 12
Eickman, Davis Mark 12
Ek, Mason Bradford 12
Ekbote, Nikhil Jay 12
Evans, Elaina Grace 12
Faimon, Bryce Andrew 12
Fallquist, Zen Achilles 12
Fisher, Camryn Grace 12
Fisher, Nolan Gage 12
Flynn, Zachary Patrick 12
Frans, Tarisa Lynn 12
Fremming, Makayla Mae 12
Fullerton, Gracyn Rene 12
Fulton, Alexis Anne 12
Garlinghouse, Ethan Michael 12
Geer, Madison Ryann 12
Gerardy, Brody Hayden 12
Gideon, Jack Ryan 12
Goeser, McCorter Tayte 12
Goracke, Clara Lynn 12
Goracke, Tess Marie 12
Graeve, John Matthew 12
Grape, Eva Grace 12
Greder, Karli Jo 12
Gress, Kelsey Margaret 12
Hall, Jackson Thomas 12
Hamilton, Sydney Elizabeth 12
Hanning, Leonidas Connor 12
Harris, Cheyenne Kelis Ellie 12
Haynes, Sophia Madison 12
Hillwick, Rose Marie 12
Hodges, Hannah Elizabeth 12
Homan, Amber Elaine 12
Houng, McKaylee Dee 12
Hrytsai, Viktoriia Ievgenivna 12
Hunt, Averi Layne 12
Hunzeker, Karson John Leroy 12
Hurley, Layla Jo 12
Jansen, Joslyn Elizabeth 12
Jeung, Shinyoung 12
Johnson, Corbin Allen 12
Johnson, Makenzie Grace 12
Johnson, Noah Vaughn 12
Johnson, Sailor Cate 12
Junior, Isabel Lynn 12
Kadavy, Isabella Teresa 12
Kathol, Lennah Abigayle 12
Kaul, Inesh Jalali 12
Kavan, Alexis Marie 12
Keber, Cambell Jane 12
Khots, Nikolai Dmitriy 12
Kibby, Chase Alexander 12
Kinney, Landon Jacob 12
Knapp, Ryan William 12
Knipper, Lauren Rose 12
Knudsen, Scott Isaac 12
Koegel, Delaney Clare 12
Kottke, Delilah Belle 12
Kulig, Isaac Henry Nando 12
Landrum, Blake Edward 12
Langewisch, Benjamin John 12
Lanoha, Rilyn Ann Marie 12
LaPatka, Emma Elizabeth 12
Latacha, Madelyn Grace 12
Lee, Brian Yoonjae 12
Lee, Pauline Sanglin 12
Lenaghan, Jessica Lynn 12
Lewis, Grant Anderson 12
List, Janelle Marie 12
Lofdahl, Tyler Fredrick 12
Lovewell, Maya Avery 12
Lovgren, Colton Robert 12
Lutt, Ava Sophia 12
Macken, Norah Shae 12
Maglinger, Roman Andrew 12
Mahoney, Ava Reese 12
Mahoney, Gavin Thomas 12
Mainelli, Natalie Mae 12
Marsh, Brynn Elizabeth 12
Masteller, Justice Royale 12
Mawson, Ella Grace 12
McCawley, Peyton Xander 12
McGee, Addison Kay 12
McGee, Lauren Grace 12
McGinley, Gabriel Paul Ryder 12
McLaughlin, Isaac Edgar 12
Meier, Devin Ryan 12
Meisinger, Madalynn Nicole 12
Mellican, Macy Jordan 12
Michaelis, Wyatt Michael 12
Miles, Olivia Lynn 12
Miller, Abigail Paige 12
Miller, Alexa Elizabeth 12
Milone, Dominic Michael 12
Miranda, Joshua Joseph 12
Moeller Swan, Samuel Henry 12
Mollak, Bella Grace 12
Mosher, Tyler Alexis 12
Mroczek, Cooper Austin 12
Mullen, Chase Timothy 12
Murphy, Olivia Yvonne 12
Musil, Owen Paul 12
Mytty, Talen Guy 12
Neill, Megan Elizabeth 12
Nelson, Callie Jo 12
Nelson, Carys Elizabeth 12
Newman, Mason Lynn 12
Nichols, Grace Elizabeth 12
Noel, Zoe Isabella 12
Novak, Colin Henry 12
Nuzum, Taylin Rae 12
O’Connor, Cameron Gregory 12
O’Neil, Jacey Marie 12
Omomeji Sam, Oluwatamilore David 12
Oppliger, Xavier James 12
Panneton, Ava Renee 12
Paradis, Tessa Ross 12
Parks, Brody William 12
Patera, Natalie Nicole 12
Pendegraft, Laney LeeMarie 12
Peterchuck, Sutton Kathleen 12
Peterson, Alexis Elizabeth 12
Peterson, Baylor Boos 12
Peterson, Ellese Michele 12
Peterson, Mack William 12
Peterson, Sophie Rae 12
Pfeifle, Norah Marie 12
Piatkowski, Paisley Breanne 12
Pittack, Taylor Grace 12
Pohlad, Faith Lea 12
Ramirez, Evan Marcelino 12
Randazzo, Zevren William 12
Ray, Carter Michael 12
Reddy, Nivesh Gangadasu 12
Reed, Hailey Jo 12
Reefe, Bridget Anne 12
Reniker, Lorenzo Edward 12
Ringenberg, Julia Christine 12
Roberts, Zachary Colton 12
Robertson, Kai McKenzie 12
Robinson, Chase Alan 12
Roos, Madeline Joyce 12
Rothe, Andrew James 12
Rygg, Peter John 12
Safford, Emerson Grace 12
Sanders, Jacob Andrew 12
Schafer, Brennan Edward 12
Schluckebier, Joseph Allen 12
Schroeder, Keenan Michael 12
Schuchardt, Lillian Kae 12
Schulte, Beckham Hewitt 12
Schulte, London Delaney 12
Schulte, Trey Madoc 12
Scott, Katelyn Wilma 12
Seavey, Lena Sarisa Sermchief 12
Shafer, Titus Joel 12
Sherman, Alyssa Jane 12
Siemek, Ryan Michael 12
Smith, Tyler Lawrence 12
Sorensen, Raelyn Christine 12
Soto, Anjelina Lidia 12
Spann, Henry Stuart 12
Staples, Kate Lauryn 12
Stine, Barron Grant 12
Stone, Ava Lynn 12
Stowe, Reese Elisabeth 12
Streebin, Madysen Nicole 12
Strufing, Jacob Daniel 12
Studnicka, Shaylee Maret 12
Sumner, Aubrey Ying-Yun 12
Surles, Luke Riley 12
Swoboda, Charles Edward 12
Thompson, Evan Orhan 12
Thompson, Jack Raymond 12
Trogdon, Trace Cramer 12
Vadde, Esha Reddy 12
Valentin, Gabriella Greer 12
Van Patton, Ellaree Grace 12
Vance, Brett Gene 12
Vander Linden, Samuel Ryan 12
Volk, Ava Lauren 12
Vollmuth, Lucy Lylamarie 12
Waddelow, Kendall Kay 12
Waggoner, Elsie Lynn 12
Walker, Alyssa Noelle 12
Warren, Lucas John 12
Washburn, Owen Dale 12
Webb, Isabella Noel 12
Webster, Elizabeth Jocelyn 12
Weddle, Claire Major 12
Wever, Ella Elizabeth 12
Wevley, Christopher James 12
Whitehorn, Kelmarah Davon 12
Whiteley, Seth Titus 12
Wike, Addison Lynn 12
Williams, Gavin Rodger 12
Williams, Jonathan David 12
Willits, Ethan Michael 12
Winge, Hagen Patrick 12
Woodford, Kathryn Anne 12
Zerbe, Emma Kathryn 12
Zetterman, Mason Alexander 12

EPS Schools Earn Places on AP Honor Roll

As part of the recently released 2024 AP Honor Roll, all three EPS high schools are among those recognized as having built a culture of academic success while broadening access to AP courses for all students. EPS is proud of this honor as it is a direct reflection of the dedication of all EPS students and staff to academic excellence.

To learn more about the AP Honor Roll and see a full list of all schools recognized, please click here.