Students struggling with classes should take the following steps:
Step 1: Set an appointment with teacher before or after school. The teacher is the number one best resource for students to improve their grades. It is important for students to take immediate action if they do not understand concepts. The longer they wait, the more difficult it will be for them to make improvement.
Step 2: Request a tutor from the Counseling Center. The effectiveness of tutoring is highly related to the motivation of the student needing help.
Step 3: Attend “After School Academy.” ASA meets Monday through Thursday until 4:30 in the ESHS Media Center. Students may work on homework or study during this time. Student tutors are also available. If they have questions, they can check with their teachers.
Step 4: Attend “After Hours.” AH meets on Thursday nights from 3:30-6:30 and Saturday mornings from 8:30-11:30. Arrangements must be made through a counselor or administrator.
Step 5: Guided Study Hall: Students failing two or more classes at quarter or mid-quarter will be assigned guided study hall until their grades are corrected.