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In a direct display of their support for education, Elkhorn voters approved a $122.9 million bond measure on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, with 63% of voters in favor of the measure.

One of the greatest strengths of the Elkhorn Public Schools (EPS) is the partnership the district shares with our community, and the passing of the proposed bond is another indicator of that strength. This bond issue marks the 12th time since 1992 that voters have partnered with the school district to make the educational needs of students a top priority. The quality of our school district was built and still depends on broad community support, and EPS continues to be grateful! This is the outcome needed in response to growth and to make our schools safer; now, it is the District’s job to continue being responsible stewards of the taxpayer dollars that our community has invested as we continue the important work of educating lifelong learners.