About Hillrise Elementary

MISSION: To inspire lifelong learners, foster a belief in one’s ability to succeed, nurture respect and appreciation of self and others, and encourage contributions to an ever-changing world.   BUILDING GOAL: All students will improve Math computation and concept...

Superintendent to Visit Parent and Community Groups

This fall, Superintendent Steve Baker will visit parent organizations and community groups to address the District’s rapid growth and discuss plans for the future. Community members are welcome to attend any of the scheduled presentations. August 22 at 7:00...
Arbor View Dedication

Arbor View Dedication

On September 18, the District held a dedication ceremony for Arbor View Elementary as well as open houses at Elkhorn Middle School, Elkhorn High School and Elkhorn South High School to showcase the significant remodel and addition projects completed in 2016....

Governor Ricketts Visits West Bay

Governor Pete Ricketts visited West Bay third, fourth and fifth graders on February 25 as a guest reader. Governor Ricketts read “The Dragons are Singing Tonight” by Jack Prelutsky. He stressed the importance of a good education and encouraged students to...
EPS Rated Excellent

EPS Rated Excellent

Elkhorn was one of only five districts in the state to receive the highest rating possible from the AQuESTT system—Excellent. AQuESTT stands for Accountability for a Quality Education System Today and Tomorrow, an accountability system for public schools in Nebraska....