EPS Security Update
At the July 18, 2022 EPS Board of Education meeting, the linked presentation was shared with EPS Board Members. July 2022 EPS Security Update Questions regarding this information can be directed to Executive Director of Student Services, Anne...
2022-23 New Student Registration
Registration for all students new to the Elkhorn Public Schools (EPS) district will be held Tuesday, August 2, and Wednesday, August 3, 2022, at all EPS buildings. New students are required to set up an appointment by contacting his/her assigned building. To confirm...
Safe2Help Anonymous Online Reporting System
In collaboration with the Omaha Police Department, EPS utilizes Safe2Help to ensure students and families have an anonymous way to report safety concerns. Students, parents, staff, or community members can report safety concerns through Safe2Help via any of the...
2022-2023 School Supply Lists
2022-23 Elementary Supply List 2022-2023 Middle School Supply List
2020-2022 Retrospective Review: Continuing Our Core Mission During a Pandemic
To view a retrospective review of the actions taken by EPS since the start of the COVID Pandemic, please click here.
Spring 2022 Highlights
The Spring 2022 issue of the EPS highlights features information on prioritizing student learning and successful outcomes despite pandemic disruptions, a district growth update, and details on how EPS is building lifelong learners. Read the information in full here.
Kindergarten 101 Program Information
Elkhorn Public Schools (EPS) is pleased to offer “Kindergarten 101” as a jump-start for qualifying students entering kindergarten in the upcoming school year. This three-week, no cost program is primarily designed to serve children who have limited preschool...
2022-23 Kindergarten Registration and Round Up Information
Registration for students entering kindergarten for the 2022-23 school year is now open. To complete the registration, please click here and use the 2022-2023 Kindergarten Registration link. By completing the online registration, parents/guardians will be added to...
22-23 and 23-24 Calendar Revisions Recently Approved
During their February 14, 2022 meeting, the EPS Board of Education approved the revision of previously approved calendars for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 calendars. The updated calendars can be found linked below and at ...
Smart Gen Society Social Media Resources
Smart Gen Society is a leading, local organization that aims to raise awareness surrounding preventative and proactive measures that offset the negative implications of social media use. The organization provides resources and insight for parents and educators to...