EPS District Closure
Update: April 1, 2020 On Wednesday, April 1, Governor Ricketts issued a Directed Health Measure stating that all Nebraska schools are to operate without students in their buildings through May 31. Following this directive, EPS buildings will remain closed and...
Registration Now Open for 2020 EPS Summer Enrichment
Registration for the 2020 EPS Summer Enrichment Program is now open for EPS students entering grades 1-12 for the 2020-2021 school year. The Summer Enrichment Program features inspiring courses created and taught by EPS certified...
Parent/Teacher Conferences to be held February 19-20
Parent/Teacher Conferences for all EPS buildings will be held on Wednesday, February 19 and Thursday, February 20. Time frames by grade level are listed below. For building-specific information, please refer to your building principal’s most recent Newsletter....
EPS Elementary Buildings to Host Kindergarten Roundup
Elkhorn Public Schools invites all children entering kindergarten in the 2020-2021 school year and their parents to the annual Kindergarten Roundup, scheduled for Friday, January 31, 2020. Children must be five years of age on or before July 31, 2020, to be...
TeamMates Celebrates Mentors during National Mentoring Month
The month of January is nationally recognized as National Mentoring Month when programs honor mentors for their service and the impact they’re making by simply being there for students. In honor of National Mentoring Month, TeamMates of Elkhorn would like to thank the...
Parent Pay Preschool Applications Now Being Accepted
The Elkhorn Public Schools preschool program is currently accepting applications for a limited number of parent pay placements for the 2020-2021 school year. Prospective students must live within the Elkhorn Public Schools district boundaries and must be three (3)...
2018-2019 Annual Report
2018-2019 EPS Annual ReportDownload
Upcoming Thanksgiving and Winter Break Schedules
All EPS buildings will observe a Thanksgiving and Winter Break schedule to include the following early releases and no-school days: Wednesday, November 27, 2019: 1-hour early releaseThursday, November 28 - Friday, November 29, 2019: No School Monday, December 23, 2019...
EPS District Spelling Bee
Elkhorn Public Schools will host a District Spelling Bee on Thursday, November 21, 2019, at 4:30 p.m. at the EPS Teacher Training Conference Center. Students from across the District will participate, with one student from every elementary building and two students...
Manchester Elementary 1st Grade Students Learn About the Importance of Saying “NO” From Special Guests
1st-grade students at Manchester Elementary recently welcomed special agents from the Drug Enforcement Agency and their sidekick K9 Loki as they shared their message on the importance of saying “No” to drugs and alcohol. The presentation, shared as part of Red Ribbon...