Screenings are a way to learn about your child’s development and skill levels. The screening will show how your child is developing compared to other children of the same age. Children requiring more extensive evaluations are referred to other school personnel for more formal testing and possibly special education services. Children demonstrating low scores on the screening may qualify for preschool services. Children demonstrating limited English proficiency may qualify for services as an English Learner.
The screening process takes approximately one hour. A standardized screening instrument is used to assess each child’s development in areas of speech and concept development. Screenings will be conducted on the following dates for the 2021-2022 school year.
September 3, 2021
December 3, 2021
April 8, 2022
Does My Child Need To Be Screened?
Is your child having difficulty with one or more of the following skills?
- Is unable to identify colors and shapes
- Is unable to count objects
- Is destructive or unable to accept limits
- Has difficulty playing with other children
- Has unclear or garbled speech
- Has difficulty expressing wants
- Uses incomplete sentences
- Gives inappropriate answers to questions
- Does not seem to understand well
- Does not appear to be learning at an average rate.
If you answered yes to one or more of these questions and/or you are concerned about your child’s development, please contact us at 289-2579.