Q: What types of services and programs are available?
A: A full continuum of services is available, from support in regular classrooms to separate special education programs. These services may include direct instructional and behavioral interventions, as well as related services such as: speech and language therapy, vision services, hearing services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, health services and assistive technology.
Q: I think my child needs special education services; what should I do?
A: If your child is school-aged, talk to your child’s teacher(s), counselor and/or principal about your concerns. Sometimes, accommodations and educational plans can be put into place that will increase your child’s success without special education interventions. If your concerns persist, you have the right to request an individual evaluation for special education purposes. For students below age five, call 402-289-2579 to discuss your concerns with an Early Childhood Special Education staff member.
Q: What is involved with a special education evaluation?
A: A Multi-disciplinary Team (MDT) will conduct individual assessments with your school-aged child within 45 days of receiving your signed consent. Within this time frame, the team will meet with you to discuss the results of those assessments and draw conclusions based on state guidelines as to your child’s eligibility for special education services. Your input will be requested and considered during this process. For infants and toddlers the process will be completed within 45 days of the referral.
Q: What happens if it is determined that my child is eligible for special education services?
A: Within 30 days of the MDT meeting, a meeting will be held to develop your school-aged child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). The IEP team includes parents, general educators and special educators. The IEP includes the student’s present level of school performance as well as accommodations and educational goals designed to meet the needs of the student. The IEP documents the specific special education services the student needs to meet the established goals. IEPs are reviewed at least annually with the IEP team. For infants and toddlers who are eligible for services, an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) will be developed within 45 days of the referral and reviewed in six months.
Q: Will my school-aged child have to change schools to receive special education services?
A: The Elkhorn Public Schools provides school-aged special education services in all buildings. For the vast majority of students, services will be provided in his/her neighborhood or existing school.
Q: I just moved into the District and my child has an IEP from another district. Who should I contact?
A: At the elementary level, contact the principal of your neighborhood school. At the secondary level, contact a guidance counselor who will notify the school’s special education coordinator. The counselor will also assist in registering your child for classes. If your child is an infant, toddler or preschooler, call 402-289-2579.
Q: Will my child receive special education services for the duration of his/her education?
A: By law, a multi-disciplinary team must re-evaluate each student at least every three years. A determination of eligibility will be made at each re-evaluation meeting.
Q: Does the district provide transportation services for students with disabilities?
A: IEP teams of school-aged students decide on the need for transportation as a related special education service based on two considerations: 1) Program Location; and 2) Student’s Disability. Under the “Program Location” consideration, the District is responsible for transportation if the student will be accessing special education services at a location other than the neighborhood school. District transportation is available to students in wheelchairs even though the student is attending the neighborhood school under the “Student’s Disability” consideration. For preschool students, District transportation is available to transport children from their home, or a childcare within the District boundaries, to the site of services.