The month of January is nationally recognized as National Mentoring Month when programs honor mentors for their service and the impact they’re making by simply being there for students.

In honor of National Mentoring Month, TeamMates of Elkhorn would like to thank the more than 80 mentors who have dedicated their time to being there for our students.   The commitment made by mentors is an impactful one, as the relationships they are building are long-lasting and incredibly beneficial for our students. 

“We are grateful for every TeamMates mentor,” TeamMates Executive Director Sarah Waldman explained. “Every TeamMates mentor I speak with talks about how mentoring has been an incredibly positive experience for them. I hope more caring adults will join us so they too can experience the positive impact of mentoring.” 

TeamMates mentors fulfill the mission of the TeamMates Mentoring Program of impacting the world by inspiring youth to reach their full potential by meeting with their mentee one-on-one weekly during the school year.  The TeamMates Mentoring Program is a school-based program, providing meeting times only during school hours.

Mentees are students in grades 3-12 who can be nominated to participate in the program in one of three ways. They can be nominated by a parent or a school staff member, or students can self-nominate. Mentors are not tutors or counselors, nor are they there to “fix” anything— they are there to be friends.  Matches are relationship-based, and mentors are matched with mentees based on similar interests and life experiences.

To become a mentor to one of the many students patiently waiting, please visit or contact Kara Perchal at or 402-289-2579.