Upcoming Thanksgiving and Winter Break Schedules
All EPS buildings will observe a Thanksgiving and Winter Break schedule to include the following no-school days: Wednesday, November 22 – Friday, November 24, 2023: No School Thursday, December 21, 2023 – Monday, January 1, 2024: No School Tuesday, January 2, 2024:...
EPS to Host “Effects of Social Media on Student Mental Health”, an Educational Panel for Parents
In an effort to assist parents in understanding the impact of social media use on student mental health, Elkhorn Public Schools is offering two opportunities for parent engagement and education. On Wednesday, October 18, 2023, at 6:30 PM at Elkhorn South High School, ...
Parent/Teacher Conferences to be Held September 26-27
Parent/Teacher Conferences for all EPS buildings will be held on Tuesday, September 26 and Wednesday, September 27. Time frames by grade level are listed below. For building-specific information, please refer to your building principal’s most recent newsletter....
Welcome to West Dodge Station Elementary
The mission of West Dodge Station Elementary School is to empower EVERYONE to reach his or her full potential.